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Thursday 23 January 2014

Whiney members, typical gym bunnies and steroid sleaze bag men

You tend to find these at those typical commercial gyms like Nuffield Health, Banantynes, Pure Gym, The Gym and even 
David Lloyds Narborough.

Shocking isn't it?

Because if they were even the slightest considerate to your feelings they would do something about this, so that you 
would be more inclined to go there.

BUT they don't.

They just care about the £'s

The numbers

They actually hope you don't turn up.

It's NOT personalised it's GENERIC.

If you suffer from either anxiety or are even the slightest unhappy with yourself and you were to walk in to one of these 
gyms, I'd be surprised if it didn't MAKE YOU FEEL MORE WORSE OFF than when you arrived.

Complete JOKE.

Whiney members... I can't think of anything worse. They don't belong here at RWL, I soon ask them to leave and make it crystal clear that they are never welcome back!

Typical gym bunnies... you know the ones that have never been out of shape and when they feel that they are it's because they've GONE UP a clothes size to a massive size 6.... Nah, not for us! We like to achieve this goal with hard work, dedication and commitment.

Steroid sleaze bag kidding me. I know I am a bloke but even so, I cannot stand the sight of men sleazing or perving over the women in the gym. I can't imagine how uncomfortable that makes you feel.

Frustrates me just thinking about this.

I told you that writing emails is quite therapeutic - it definitely helped in this situation.

BUT there is something else.

That's holding me back slightly.

And its our current name RWL 'GYM'....

Its been long time coming and is something I cannot hold back anymore...

I have decided to change it.

To something that is as far away from even the smallest concept of the word and place gym

It will be revealed shortly, I promise.

Our members will be proud too.

Well, I know they are already

As it will show on the Podcast Radio Show that we start this weekend.

First up we have members...

Karen Preston (size 16 -to 8), 

Simon and Katie Baines (a couple that got in shape for their wedding day and now Katie has trained all the way through pregnancy and is 2-3 weeks away from giving birth (hopefully wont happen on the interview), 

Rishi Thobhani (been through an emotional roller coaster but has still manage to reach sub 10% body fat levels, 

and finally Debbie Neath (fun loving, big heart and great results to date)

Will be all live this weekend.

Now my question to you is this...

If you just had just one question to ask the very people that have been in your shoes what one question would you ask?

Hit reply and get your question answered?

I will ensure that it gets asked for you.

As soon as it is live and ready to be aired I will let you know.

Joe 'DJ Silence' Hanney

Ps hit reply with your questions. It's a fantastic opportunity even if I say so myself..

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