How does that sound to you? Pretty extreme? Yeah me too. But when you break it down it isn't as crazy as you might think
He says his training consisted of 2 hours in the morning and 45 minutes in the afternoon. My guess is that the morning sessions consisted of some pretty muscle specific, high volume, bodybuilding workouts. In the afternoon he will have done a metabolic conditioning session for three quarters of an hour.
Those sessions would have been spilt depending on his rate of recovery. Given that he's eating so many calories that should be pretty quick. So maybe he'd get each body part worked and recovered twice a week.
He says he called up Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, and asked him for advice. The answer was to eat big and clean. A typical meal would consist of two chicken breasts, some broccoli "and maybe some carbs".
The key to getting the calories in was in eating every couple of hours. Realistically it is impossible to fit in that much food any other way.
6000kcals may seem like a lot, but when you are training as hard as he is, and don't forget he isn't a small guy, it isn't as much as it sounds. In order to appropriately recover from that volume of exercise and grow it is necessary.
The question is, could he have got the same benefits from eating and training less? Maybe, but you can't argue with the results.
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