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Thursday 2 January 2014

Shiny Object Syndrome...

Do you have this?

You may not know what I mean by this but hopefully by the end of this email you can answer the question more openly.

Its now more than ever that I see this.

Its where, you are in need of something.

An answer.

A calling.

Help even.

Someone to point you in the right direction.

It could be any of the above and more, the list is pretty endless.

I'll give you an example.

Say that, I need to lose weight.

So my peripheral thinking is wide open

Anything that comes in to sight or crosses my path that has something to do with losing weight, i am going to be attracted too

Its like law of attraction... what you think about is what you attract most

Or even better put

The 'thing' has always been there its just because you are more conscious about the 'thing' that you tend to see it 
more and more.

For example... you want a new blue BMW 1 series..

Now, they've been about for ages, and without realising it, they've been in your peripheral vision for however long 
its just that when you didnt have it at the what we call 'top of mind awareness' you were just plain ignorant to it

But now it is top of mind awareness, you see it everywhere

You understand this right?

Well, the same happens around this time of year

When in my example and many other peoples, who want to lose weight..

So, you tend to be more aware of weight loss adverts, gym membership offers, like this page and that page on 
Facebook, follow  some guru on twitter etc.

You get my point, dont you?

Now I call this the shiny object syndrome  

You basically just get excited by the 'thing' that you get attracted by and  sign up to a load of shiny objects...'

Its not like they are going to change anything

They just make you feel better about yourself for a min or so..

Then you follow/like someone else

I have even seen our own clients do it, this past few days...

I am not sure why...

Because information without action is pretty pointless

And the secret isn't in finding more information

The secret lies with what you do with your current information

And more importantly who do you choose to listen too and who do you choose not too

So, my friend... what shiny objects have you been attracted by these last few days?

Joe 'I also had the shiny object syndrome one time, and I had to learn the hard way' Hanney

Ps - I am going to be sharing this story on my Lifestyle M.E.N.U to Health on line seminer. Have you registered yet? If you would like to then please click here  ITS FREE

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