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Thursday 16 January 2014

The Fat Adviser

Grocery Shopping

Yes that's what I have done today.

But mind you it wasn't just any ordinary shopping trip I actually got to bump into a few members also.

Isn't that right Anne and Robert :)

Yes, I did have a sneaky look into their shopping basket...

And I can report that it was all good and healthy from where I was standing.

So I was pleased.

And I am sure they can say the same about mine also.

Interested in what was in my basket?

Well, here goes then...






Almond milk

Coconut milk

Lemons for my water (still off the caffeine)

Sweet potato


All healthy right?

Now, what has this got to do with you?

Absolutely everything.

For one, what was your last visit to the supermarket like, what did you buy?

And two, if your personal trainer, dietician, doctor (that sometimes advises you to lose weight), diet leader, don't lead by
example, why then should you follow their advice.

I hear it all the time, "oh my gp asked me to lose weight and improve my health"

Though their GP is vastly overweight and un healthy...

Would you listen to this GP if they were yours?

What about the personal trainer that is overweight and tells you to follow thier training program because it works!!!!

Are you sure my friend?

I actually witnessed on several occasions a personal trainer at Greens now Nuffield, that after each morning training
session with their client they would go and more or less eat a full English breakfast and chug down a cup a coffee or two.

Why, oh why? I ask myself.

The worst though as got to be the people that teach these diets like weight watchers and lighter life.

Come on, can you really be that foolish to listen to their advice when they are evidently overweight and have been for the
time that you have known them?

Their sh#t doesn't work and I touched on why last night in my online seminar.

Half of these fruit cakes havent got a clue what it takes and are very misinformed about how to lose weight.

They've just experienced a little weight loss success themselves and got sold in to the old 'own your own business' side of things that these companies do...

Are you really going to put your life in the hands of these people?

Think about misses

However, if you would like the advice from a role model... including myself then you should put yourself on the early
notification list for our upcoming podcasts.

The podcasts will feature our current members, myself and also our coaches. Very similar to the daily emails, though these are FREE audio's, that'll be available 3 times per week.

You even get to provide the member in spotlight, with your most pressing questions and I promise they'll get answered.

Early Notification List for the Podcast

Joe 'Love's the new Sainsbury's' Hanney

Ps- gona be having steak, spinach and sweet potato tonight, cant wait!!!

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