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Monday 13 January 2014

Are you guilty of this?

This is probably one of the deciding factors why you have never been a consistent weight that you are completely comfortable with.

Your weight fluctuates more than you've had hot dinners.

I'll get in to this more at the end of the email.

But for now, are you guilty of this single thing?

You always compare yourself to others...

Whether that be how much money you have.

How thin/overweight you are.

What job you have.

What car you have.

Being of a certain age and things are expected of you is a big one.

You have got to stop this.

If you don't then this can lead on to other serious issues.

Why would you compare yourself anyway?

What you have to do is F.O.C.U.S on you

Focus is actually an acronym for

F - Follow
O - One
C - Course
U - Until
S - Successful

You might be thinking, Yes but Joe how will this work for me?

Well, just think about it for one minute. If you were to just focus on you and everything that you do why would you need to focus on anyone else?

Keep yourself occupied on you.

It is the best thing that I've personally done because believe it or not I used to compare myself against others all the time and it got me nowhere.

Since, I just focused on me and became a little selfish, the things id been chasing were starting to draw closer.

How will this help with your ever fluctuating weight?

Gaining a new habit of FOCUS will help you focus a whole lot differently on your own programme without ever comparing it to someone else's or more importantly and a better example whilst we are on the topic of weight loss, you will never have that feeling of shame or guilt because you chose NOT to eat crap in the office and instead prepared your own healthy lunch.

You understand this right, you always gets someone who will have a dig at you because of your healthy choice...

Well, don't tell them... just think it to yourself "what the hell has it got to do with you, stop comparing your own worthless 
self to my successful self" because that's all what's going on here!

It kinda has this knock on effect in other areas of your life once you start to experience just focussing on you!

Powerful... you should try it for the next 7 days and let me know how you feel

Joe 'loves the crab theory' Hanney

Ps- crab theory.....? yes I'll be sharing what this means in my free online seminar which is Wednesday evening at 8pm.

Pps- by registering for the FREE online seminar you'll get a chance to enter our skinny jeans challenge whereby you can lose anywhere between 1-2 jeans sizes in 6 weeks....

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