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Thursday 9 January 2014

Flabelos Vs RWL

As I like to call it...FlabALOT

I just cannot get my head around this whole concept

I wonder how many people are registered for my 
online seminar that use Flabelos?

Now, FabALOT claims that it can help you lose a dress size in 3 weeks by doing 10 minutes a day

Question, have you ever seen anyone that uses Flabelos actually get in to shape?

I haven't.

I seen one person just today using one whilst on her phone

If you are thinking how did I see someone using the flabelos machine I must admit I do pay the whole sunbeds a visit 
now and then :)

And sunbed places are packed full of the these vibrators.. er sorry, I mean vibrating machines

Quite frankly I have to be honest these machines DON'T WORK

The only pounds you are going to lose are the ones that you spend on using the damn thing

And if they did work, are you expected to use them every day for the whole year?

Going back to my points from an earlier email, the two MOST IMPORTANT things that you need to focus on when 
attempting to lose weight and LOSE IT FOR GOOD are:

1-manage stress levels

2-eat correctly for you and your needs

Using the FlabALOT machine does neither...

I personally just think it's another excuse not to lose weight

What do you mean by that Joe?

Well, the typical person that comes to see us is embarresed and very self conscious of the way they look and feel that 
they may be judged in some way...

Which I completely understand by the way.

So to me, if someone is willing to jump on these machines and just do that.... FlabALOT ..

They cannot be that self-conscious can they

Because its done in a room FULL of people

Joe 'RWL out trumps FlabALOT anytime' Hanney

Ps - learn why RWL is far superior, by registering for the online seminar!  click the link below

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