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Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Two people naked together in the Sunbed Shower

Well, not quite.

But it nearly did happen to me today.

Close call should I say.

You're probably thinking "where on earth are you going with this Joe and how will this email benefit me?"

Just bear with me for one minute and I'll show you at the bottom of this email.

Going back to my story, as normal the lady at reception told me which sunbed to go in to

So off I went...

As I walked in to the room and to my complete surprise stood a lady half naked...

I quickly scampered out of the room, closed the door and hid almost in the sunbed room next door

Close call!!!!

So not quite naked on the sunbed together but who knows on a different day, feelings mutual anything could have 
happened... haha!

Just imagine if this happened to you, what would you do?

Talking about doing things in pairs.

Anyhow, this leads me on to one 2 one personal training.

I still cannot get my head around why you would do this or why your trainer would even recommend it.

You see, we call our coaching session's semi private because it is one coach and up to 3 people.

We haven't done one 2 one training for I don't know how many years now

It's just pointless

Think about it... have you ever seen a successful person whether that be in sports, business, you name it become successful on their own?

No, they usually have a team behind them

The cademarie of a team is great

It's a win win situation!

You get to feel part of something bigger than just yourself

A team to support you through the thick and thin

Friendly competition

Companions that you meet each week without fail - making life working out a whole lot more easier and motivating

Like minded individuals that you can have a chit chat too that you wouldn't normal be able to do whilst at work or at another gym

The list is endless

Here is a study that also shows that working in groups is a massive advantage

o          Wing et al.

Benefits of recruiting participants with friends and increasing social support for weight loss and maintenance.
J Consult Clin Psychol. 1999 Feb;67(1):132 -8

Not to mention that we currently host around 648 workouts a week.

So we have our own data.

So even though you are not quite getting naked together the moral of the story is to be working out in groups rather than on your own or in a one 2 one with a trainer (which is the traditional dated way of doing things).

Joe 'doesn't have a dirty mind' Hanney

Ps - if you don't like the gym, we're where you begin... especially if you are a married woman, living in Leicester, aged between 35 -45 years old and wants to lose weight and get your life back..

Then you must call me on 0116 276 3411 to see how we can help you.

Pps -I have a video to show you very shortly that will blow your mind of what can happen when you train with like-minded individuals and the impact it has on your life... stay tuned!

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