You've probably heard that we have no cardio machines in our gym
None whatsoever
This might be off putting for some of you
Why wouldn't it be?
When all you've ever done is cardio
Because that's all you have ever been told or shown to do
The weights area is for men, right?
Well, that's what I heard one sales lady at a gym tell a customer
Talk about putting you off from ever stepping in that area never mind lifting a single weight
Because subconsciously now, all you will ever think about when you hear the word 'weight' is that 'weights are for men' not you females
And... it makes it even more convincing is the fact that most commercial gyms have a ladies only section
If this isn't degrading female members, than I don't know what is?!
And finally, commercial gyms have rows and rows of cardio equipment
Who wouldn't think that cardio was the most important exercise for weight loss
I am here to tell you differently
And I am going to share a story of two from our current members
Firstly, cardio is the least effective form of exercise for weight loss
Your probably thinking "Yeah right, who are you to say that Joe?"
Well for one I am in the business of getting people in shape in the fastest way possible that is also the safest.
Two, if having rows and rows of cardio machines worked, I'd have them in our gym
Otherwise I'd be losing our members to the gyms that cardio machines because supposing they get faster results
In over 12 years of doing this our team have designed, tested, tweaked well over 15,000 weight loss programs, and we currently host around 10,000 workouts a year
In layman's terms this would take you 95 years to achieve
Now, that I have convinced you about the possible results
Maybe I should touch on a slight fear factor that you might have knowing that we only use weights
(Well, that's what you've heard)
And you've never touched single weight in the past
Here are few members' struggles with coming to terms in approaching us with the perception that all we do is weights
"My biggest struggle/pain that i had before approaching was having the confidence that will I be able to do the workouts and lift such heavy weights as well as control my nutrition. Initially I had been working out at greens mainly cardio. I felt I wasn't getting the results nor the drive as I was getting bored"
"My biggest struggle/pain was my size and not getting any smaller, despite doing endless hours of cardio"
"I was also worried about sciatica and what exercise I would be able to do."
"just used to go to the gym and pretty much do my own thing. Some of it was correct - some not so. I needed direction and specific training to help achieve goals - I had reached a plateau in my training and was becoming bored."
"I was beginning to dislike myself and felt that this approach had never crossed my mind, so why not?"
You see peeps
These were in the same boat
Tired of not seeing results despite doing lots of cardio
Some of them found it boring
Some just wasn't very good at it
Some didn't even know how or what they were supposed to do
Now having been members for a few years now, have a look at what they had to say
"Simply, I followed what you said and got the results. There have been times where things haven't gone so smoothly but always felt supported. When I have spoken about things, I have never been made to feel stupid and was listened to. I really appreciate this and is what makes me trust you. I also think you are quite upfront and straightforward. Know what you are getting. Your strongest values are your commitment to your members results and competency and professionalism with which you work with"
"It too me a while to fully trust you to be honest! You gained my trust by answering my questions and providing information. Seeing my results, and other members results also gained my trust. Seeing how much training and development you do is also a factor."
"I value the fact that you guys are highly knowledgeable and are able to tailor programmes to suit any injuries safely and effectively. Thank you for changing my life for the better!"
"you stuck with me and helped me to take down the brick wall i had built one at a time in a safe way. honesty you care safety strength understand life loyalty what you do works"
"Initially I needed you to educate and guide me as to the correct and safe way to lose weight through correct nutrition and exercise. I needed you to be supportive, encouraging and non-judgemental. I now need you to keep me accountable, to challenge me and be the voice of reason from time to time when I lose sight of what I'm doing and why. I need you to design programmes for me that will enable me to lead an active lifestyle in the years to come. I need you to be honest and tell me if my expectations are unrealistic. I need you to watch my form to protect me from further injury."
Firstly, as you can see we are not all about weights
Actually far from it
Some people come to us and don't even step into the gym area because they need further help and support with other areas of their life
Like nutrition, work lifestyle balance, managing stress, confidence issues and possible light exercise like corrective stuff because of imbalances or previous injuries
You see, the gym work is only a tiny fraction of someone's results
Somehow there seems to be assumptions around the need to workout several times a week
This is not true
Working out for an hour today is only 4% of the day
What about the other 96% of the day
Do you think that the results could lay in this 96% rather than the 4%
Yes damn right!!! Bigger ratio to play with right
So we focus on the 96% first and foremost
And for everyone else who can train and exercise
We vigilantly assess the client before they step in to the gym
Through gold standards assessments like the Functional Movement Screen and Kinetic Chain assessment, postural analysis, heart rate monitoring, osteopathy measures, etc.
And then we make an informed decision whether the client can train and if they can they all start with very easy steps
They're introduced to the program very lightly
And majority of the work done in the first 12 weeks is based around function (getting the client to move better, correctly and pain free) reducing any pain that they might be suffering from when they initially came to us (most common are low back pain, knee pain and some kind of stiff neck)
I could go in to great detail about the science and research on why cardio doesn't work but that's not what this email is about
Its about re assuring you that weights are safe when done correctly and under the watchful eye of an expert coach
It is by far the most empowering and rewarding experience you will have in a gym
Once you decide to lift weights... That is!
Joe (75% of our members are FEMALE and they lift weights) Hanney
Ps why not come in for 30 day trial and see if it's for you
Karen did something similar but at the time we were holding a jeans challenge
Whatever reason you need to come and try us out we have one
Karen never looked back
"I knew you could help me after meeting Joe at the Jeans Challenge Seminar - he was so confident and I was extremely impressed by the fact that he'd had to "unlearn what he had been taught" (his words) and went off to research fat loss in a non standard PT approach."
Hit reply to set this up or call us on 0116 2763411
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