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Monday, 25 November 2013

“Slap me in the face when you see me” - Joe

I must be honest with you I've done it again

I've fell off my eating plan but this time I can really notice it

Yes me Joe Hanney the most diligent of people ever when it comes to eating clean and being COMPLIANT
In your eyes anyway

You see we've all struggled to keep to some kind of diet in the past, hey you may of even heard that our eating plan was overwhelming to begin with

Who wouldn't? it completely challenges the conventional norm -

eat more fat

eat more food

reduce starch carbs

when EVERYBODY else is saying the opposite

eat less fat

fast for 2 days

eat more carbs (heck the government's health department even says this stuff even today),

drink this diet shake,

count these points...

Then there's sticking to it

How when you have kids, work, deadlines, other stressors, attend the gym and everything else...

Well, I resonate with you I went right off track for a few days the other weekend and what a slap in the face it has been...

Its not to say I have never gone off track

Its life right, we always do, I'd be lying if I said I never have a chocolate brownie now and then or a glass of wine at the 

Why was it a slap in the face then Joe?

Well, back since when I can remember I have always had an underlying issue about my appearance

In this instance, not many of you will know this but I suffer from really BAD dry skin, dry scalp as a matter of fact, kinda like dermatitis (but the doctors have never been able to diagnose it) they seem to think it is and to be fair after reading countless articles about it you can see why and it effects mainly my scalp and stomach area but mainly my scalp

You see, some days I don't make an effort with my hair - what I mean by this is I don't put hair products in it to style it and on other days I do

The days I don't is when I am suffering most

Suffering most from the dry skin on my scalp

You see I feel the hair product cannot be doing it any good

I need it to get better

My scalp needs healing, so I leave it out

Now why am I telling you this?

And how does this relate to my food compliance?

And why do I deserve a slap (whenever we meet don't let me let you forget about this right this may be your only opportunity to :))

If you know me, you will know that I hate going to the doctors with a passion, some of the stuff they say and do is useful 

BUT most of the time it isn't

So just like anyone else would I had to go to the doctors and basically sit there crying for help

"What is the cause of this and why cant I get rid of it"

You should know my thought process around all of this is - it must have everything to do with my current health - it must be me and what I am putting into my body

Medication cant help me it masks the problem

Well, could I be wrong on this one instance

Up to this point I had tried to eliminate everything from my diet

I researched to see if it was the food or something that I was eating that could've been the root of the problem

All the doctors, dermatologist, skin clinics I visited all wanted to deal with the symptoms by using a form of medication

Because I had no success with eliminated everything (food) from my diet

The dry skin was still there

I had no option but to be an HYPOCRITE and go to the doctors...

I tried EVERYTHING, EVERY medication, scalp treatment there is  and PAID a fortune doing so

It either made everything worse or

Cleared it up for a few days then to only come back with vengeance


Made me more un happier

Made me more conscious

Dandruff got even worse (the moment we changed our uniform from black tops to blue was the best day of my life )

I got even more p***ed and annoyed - you see I don't fail, I don't compute with failing

There must be a way

I'm missing something

Its my food

Got to be

You are what you eat right?

So I decided to research everything in to nutrition

Day and night

Eliminated further things from my diet

I wouldn't drink wine

I wouldn't eat rice

I had to drink 4 litres of water a day

The list goes on...

Still I was not getting anywhere

Some days where good some were bad

Then it struck me...

I need to get this stuff tested... I came across a food intolerance test
(doctors or dermatologist's don't do this kind of test/assessment by the way and never mentioned it)

Jeff wrote a fantastic post about this the other week

Again anyone that knows me knows that I love assessing and testing

"if your not assessing your guessing"

I took the simple test

I waited for the results

And waited, 7 days past by now

They finally came

I opened them to find the most outrageous thing ever but was the biggest wake up call

I had intolerance to wheat, gluten, and... wait for it ... eggs


I was ripping my hair out...

You see I'd cut EVERTHING out

Well I thought I did

But not eggs I chose not too

My ego re appeared here... "I cant be intolerant to eggs , I eat them every day!!!!"

What can I have for breakfast now?

Wheat and gluten are very common amongst intolerances and so are eggs

But I only chose to avoid wheat and gluten products

So I started to avoid eggs along with wheat and gluten

I have been doing it for a few months now

And guess what... my scalp as never been better

I finally found the cause!!!

As far back as I can remember it has never felt so good

I have done my hair every day for the last 2 months or so (this might sound stupid to you but to me this means a lot, 
especially as I am quite vain...)

I have even gone to the hairdressers more regularly because I am more confident that I wont snow flake the whole place

BUT the slap in the face came when I reintroduced the food again (kinda going off plan) 

Last week for those few days where I went of the wagon and been a little more relaxed with what I had eaten

I reintroduced eggs, gluten and wheat in the form of pastries and biscuits

And guess what

My dry scalp re appeared

My scalp felt tighter than it had ever done before

What did this tell me... that I can never eat these ingredients again?

No it doesn't it just means that I have found my TRIGGERS

Finally I have the answers

I have my solution

It is now my choice

Before it was out of my control

I am in control

So what is my plan?

To reintroduce the ingredients over time

I fell short of this and introduced them all at once

But that doesn't bother me

Because I didn't fail there

I actually won because I found my trigger and I now know what to do

What was also a side effect and something I wasn't looking for?

Was that I decreased my body fat around my stomach in doing so as well

I had a ton more energy

I was far more relaxed in challenging situations

I didn't expect this but if you read Jeff's blog post dry skin isn't the only symptom of having intolerance to a specific food

It could be bloatiness

Much slower than usual results



The list is endless

If you are like me whom I think you are

You want everything you do to help you gain that little advantage

In your case your own results

What if that was food intolerance?

These can go un noticed

Just as I found out

Why don't you put that doubt to bed by having a food intolerance test?

You can do by having myself or one of my coaches, actual qualified practitioners to do the test for you

We then send the results off to the lab

And the results will then come back and you'll get to work with a coach that will support you through the process

We will explain everything in person

But for now get your test booked by clicking here

And then we'll do it when your available (we have the test kits ready)

Cant wait to see your test results

Cant wait to release the underlying 'BRAKES'

Joe (cant follow his own rules, so definitely deserves a slap) Hanney

ps-But im over the moon that I can run my fingers through my hair
pps book your place for a Food Intolerance Test by clicking here

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