Or a load of bull... again!
Mooooorning peeps, I am up early on this one
Got my course today, remember
But had to get this blog out to you today
Would have kinda felt bad if I hadn't
I feel that we are getting somewhere in this somewhat relationship
Dont you?
The relationship of KNOW, LIKE and TRUST
I hope that is what these daily blogs are doing!
Anyway, on to today's email 'the newest workout craze' that finally guarantees that you'll lose weight
I think I caught a glimpse of it last night just before I went bed
Virgin Active are planning on launching it in Jan 2014
Shock by the way it is going to be then
Talk about giving you yet another false promise to hang on to
Another feature with no benefits
Well, they claim it is beneficial like I read in an article in the Daily Mail
Lets see about that shall we
This is where I de bunk it and more...
Claim #1 'lose weight in your lunch hour'
I don't know about you but this is just ridiculous, they should be focusing more on the first paragrapgh
The problem with people who cant lose weight is exactly that 'no sleep, imbalance in their work / lifestyle - why would
you add to that by adding yet another workout??
Instead I suggest you grab yourself a copy of this book
Then grab yourself this one
Claim #2 'it burns 500 calories'
At first sight this sounds great in the context of things but does this mean you can eat a chocolate bar equivalent to 500 calories and immediately burn it off from doing the workout
If only it was that easy?!
Told you about my treadmill trick right, no? well listen in
The next time you are in the gym, head to the treadmill, don't get on, just press start and watch the belt start to go round
Wait a minute or so
Now check the calorie counter, you know where it shows you how many calories you should be burning
Its clocking up some calories right
BUT the thing is, you are not on it
So, my question is, how truthful and accurate is this
My second question, where are you burning those calories from
Fat or sugar stores?
To burn fat apparently you need to be training for at least 2 hours according to the fitness and physiologist specialist -
you know that fat burning zone they invented
Instead, get yourself a H7 Heart Rate Sensor, hook it up with the rest of the team and see how motivated you become to
workout - our members are loving this.
Plus we can monitor your intensity 'INDIVIDUALLY'
Claim #3 'they say the exercises will be refreshed every 3 months'
So just like they are now in any giving class even the ever so popular Les Mills (Body Pump, Combat and Spin) and those outside bootcamps
Did you know, upon one muscle group being exposed to one stimuli - one movement, one kinda rep range
That's it, it needs to be given a different stimuli almost immediately after ONE EXPOSURE never mind 3 months worth.
What will happen, the body will become stagnant, results will most definitely be in reverse, you'll have to work even harder/longer (I thought this was time effecient) and diet event more
Not what the heading claimed right?
The body is clever. It adapts to rep ranges faster than exercise selection, so the reps and intensity have to change every other training session
They can no longer be the same every workout for 3 months...
Instead, try this - workout a for 15 reps, workout b for 6 reps and workout c for 12 reps
This is called undulating rep ranges - probably the daddy of all fat loss workouts
If sequenced with other attributes like, mutli directional exercises, upper and lower body, peripheral heart training, etc.
More of a balls up than a claim 'its only for a certain type of person'
So the lycra and already in shape person - the person I spoke about the other day in my email
I thought it was for people that want to lose weight
90% of people who go to the gym - go to lose weight
So again - are these big box gyms alienated these people out even though they are the core of the gym membership
And are the very same people that need our attention more than anything else.
You see, it can be catered if it was personalised
But again it isn't
It's a group class again
GENERIC OR VANILLA as I like to call it
Not one program can be generic it as to be personalised, this way you can go at your own intensity
With added movement preparation and what we call pre hab/corrective exercises this should be good to go
There is no point in going hard if that means your every day life qualities suffer (low back pain, knee problems etc)
Finally, the biggest alarm bells the class and article shout at me is this
'We've finally figured that exercises should include twist, bend, squat, push, pull and lunge'
No sh?t, you've only just figured this out
Just look at the basic human movement patterns when moving in every day life
We squat on a chair, we twist to get out of a car, we lunge when we walk up stairs, we pull when we have to carry a baby or our hand bag, we push when opening a door...
We should know this already
We have!
We knew this over 12 years ago...
That's why our programs are what we term functional
We want to get you a result but at the same time we want to improve your movement
Your stability
Your mobility
Your flexibility
your posture
the list is endless
as big as the fitness industry is if they can only just claim on this, that is ridiculous
BUT you are falling for it
Year after year
Remember they are saying this is the new 2014 miracle to weight loss
This is where you jump on the shiny new object malarkey again
Actually, I have one more point which might blow your mind
TIME is the only non renewal source that people have
So going to class for 24 minutes is a good sign that they are catching on to this
BUT what if I told you they are still far far behind in this intervention
We have known for a very long time
That a 4 MINUTE WORKOUT can be just as effective if not more than a 24 minute workout but also a 45-60 minute
So they have a 20 minute gap to figure out how to scrap and minimise this process even more
Just like we do
We design programs on the 'time availability' that you have not the other way round.
Joe 'got a course to go to' Hanney
Ps I will try and get n email out to you soon on those stupid insanity, body vi, p90x and flabulos inventions too.
Actually, I have a funny story to share about one of these which I think you'll enjoy!
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