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Thursday 31 October 2013

Would you have judged me?

Let me tell you about the time I found myself wearing a pair of the same shoes that were two different colours

Yes, the same style but one was brown and one was black

Probably the most embarrassing moment of my life

You see, I was scheduled to be at the Department of Health Conference sometime a few years back which was based in London

I wont go in to detail

However, I travelled by train for an hour or so

Had to walk through St Pancreas station at possibly the busiest time you could imagine

Then attend a conference of around 500 people

What I didn’t know was that I was walking around all the time in two different colour shoes!!!

You should have seen the panic on my face once I had acknowledged this

Crazy things going around my head

“I bet people think I’m crazy”

I became extremely paranoid

Everyone is looking at me

Everyone will judge me before they even get to know me

Quick get me to a shoe shop

Then it hit me like a big red London bus would feel like if it ran over you!!!

This is exactly what my clients feel like

You see, I kinda know a certain amount of struggles, uncertainty that our clients go through when they decide to step in to our place for the first time

But this was on a different level

It is why we focus on our clients mindset more than anything

Think about it

When you train at the gym its basically a workout

That’s all it is right?

Even if you hired a trainer

They just provide you with a workout, wouldn’t you agree?

So where is the thought gone into the mind-set side of things?

I actually think now, that there is no point in training unless you get the mind-set right

But to do this you have to feel comfortable where you are training

And whom you’re training with

Read what Jackie our member had to say:
“Initially i was not sure that you could help but i very quickly realised that this was something that i could do without needing to be any other label and that giving up some perceived control showed me that i was using emotional control as a way of allowing the rest of my life to be out of control. i learned that exercise  and you gave me freedom.

We’ve considered this that's why it has become a fundamental element for any client wanting to train with us that they should follow through with our “Unlock the Brain To Achieve U Program™”

It all starts from the first point of contact we have with you

And that’s done via an ‘arousing’ phone call where we attempt to re awaken u and show you that you can get results once and for all

It helps us recognises and addresses each individuals unique underlying issues in order to help them achieve their goals through exercise, nutrition and lifestyle choices.

You could say being a member at RWL is application only

But id be lying if it was (not yet anyway)

It is our way of knowing if we can help you

But more importantly it shows us if you are a good fit for us

So if you want to be considered then email me right back saying...

"YES PLEASE" and also include "YOUR PHONE NUMBER" for a quick 15 minute chat to see if you are the right person for this

If we feel we can help we’ll invite you in for a chat and possibly a 30 day trial

Until next time

Joe (doesn't get ready in the dark no more) Hanney

PS. our members are super focused for the Christmas Party Dress, they’ve chosen which one they want to wear its all down to getting into it now

Past experience tells me they’ll have no problems J

PPS. thinking back to this no one once stopped me to tell me that I have the wrong colour shoes on

This makes me think

“your thoughts are powerful, powerful things. Your focus whether good or bad puts your subconscious to work, and it stays busy finding more and more of what you’re focused on”

Just as it did in my little incident above

So why don’t we both, myself and you just focus on what’s right, what you do want and how you want things to work. It’ll be worth it, I promise you. 

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