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Tuesday 31 December 2013

Want to lose weight, regain your confidence and become the women you once were?

Then you must watch this video

I promised this video a little while ago and here it is now

I dont want to keep you too long today

I hope that you enjoy this evenings celebrations and thank you once again for reading my daily emails in 2013

Here's too 2014!!!!

Joe 'a glass of pink Champagne please' Hanney 

ps - here is the link to reserve your place on the free online seminar - click here

This is what I'll be sharing:

*How to set goals that inspire you - a confidence boost 

*How to put an end to YO-YO dieting - and what works for you 

*How to enjoy exercising again - and do it with passion and purpose 

*How to find out what's best for you - a lifestyle that fits uniquely around you 

Monday 30 December 2013

One Question

This one question will get to the heart of the most important issues in your life when it comes to your weightloss attempts.

Yup I just want to ask you one question...

Good job that you receive my emails because you will be the first to know

However, it won't be in person, especially in January (you did see my email the other day, right?)

^^^still not took action?^^^

Anyway, I am going to help you.

I am already hosting one online seminar which will reveal the following:

*How to set goals that inspire you - a confidence boost 

*How to put an end to YO-YO dieting - and what works for you 

*How to enjoy exercising again - and do it with passion and purpose 

*How to find out what's best for you - a lifestyle that fits uniquely around you

Not registered your place yet?

You can now by clicking here


2014, is damn close

We all welcome the New Year because we get this feeling of hope, an anticipation of something better

It's a dawning of a brand new chapter in our lives

It's a signal that it's ok to let go of the past and start again - reset!

It is a reset button, kind of experience

Its an opportunity to reinvent ourselves


And that's a big BUT

But only if we have the courage to keep moving forward

Its one thing to sit down and create New Year resolutions, but its an entirely different story to have 
the motivation to follow them through

We all need that extra push to stay committed, including myself

So, to kick off 2014 in style

I'd like to invite you to my 'One question' online seminar

As a bonus im going to answer a few pressing questions that you have...

Questions I will answer

1.    Why is setting goals the key to achieving your weight loss goals?

2.    Why do you set goals and often fail to achieve them?

3.    What are the three most important things to consider when setting health or weight loss goals?

4.    Why should 'your' lifestyle (work included) and family be included in on your goals?

5.    Why do you fear creating goals and how do we defeat that fear?

It's FREE.

For more details and to register click on this link now - Reserve my place on the "one question" online seminar

If I don't get to wish you a Happy New Year, then I wish it to you now and may all your health and fitness goals come true in 2014!

Joe 'fail to plan, plan to fail' Hanney

Friday 27 December 2013

How to lose weight in the new year

Here’s something that everyone in the fitness industry has experienced before; someone who has just found out about your job asking, ‘So what’s the best way to lose weight?’

I get this question often and generally I am happy to answer it honestly. I have no problem giving people free advice and help. You should know this, as you’re reading a blog which write for free. I like the idea of karma, and this is one of the ways I get to give some out. After all a lot of the knowledge that I give out is not new – in fact most of it you could get with a quick Google search. All I do is apply the right knowledge to the right person.

Something which I am very conscious of is that people looking to get healthier are looking for habits which they can add to their lifestyle. Although everyone already knows it nobody wants to hear:

-          Don’t drink alcohol

-          Don’t eat carbs

-          Don’t drive to work

-          Don’t eat processed foods

-          Don’t stay up late

-          Etc.

Fitness newbies want to know what that they should be doing more of. It’s far more positive and far more likely to stick. Adding positive habits to your lifestyle will reduce the amount of space left over for the bad ones – and there is no feeling of restriction.  

As the New Year approaches I know that a lot of people will be looking for ways to become healthier, so here are my best tips for losing body fat:

Eat plenty fruit and vegetables with every meal

It’s a great start. Fruit and vegetables add fibre, micronutrients and unprocessed carbs to your diet. The benefits of which include; restoring gut balance, balancing hormone output and slowing the absorption of food. These foods fill you up and particularly with fruit will kill of any sweet cravings.

Eat breakfast

It is so common for people to skip breakfast,  and the excuses given are often as varied as they are invalid. If you feel no hunger at breakfast time but you have sweet cravings in the evening then you are in a very common situation. Every night you fill up your tank with carbs and then ‘surprise surprise’ by the time you wake up your body doesn’t want any more food. So you leave it until lunch, and have a small meal; a sandwich or salad. So far today you’ve eaten about 300kcals. The by dinner you’re hungry and you eat your ‘main meal’ but it isn’t enough. You have a lot of calories to make up for and so you over indulge and the whole cycle starts again.

Eat some protein at breakfast and begin your day the right way.

Stay hydrated

An unnecessary source of calories is in drinks. When we are thirsty we often mistake it for hunger and eat when we don’t need to. So make sure you stop any unnecessary eating by keeping adequately hydrated. By drinking more water you will be less tempted by a coke, alcohol or other calorie laden drinks.

Train, don’t work out

It’s very easy just to walk into the gym, do some exercise and leave; but if you never track your progress then you will never really get anywhere. Get a programme, get a trainer and get training towards a goal.

Now, this may seem very obvious. But here's the secret to weight loss.

THERE IS NO SECRET TO WEIGHT LOSS, it's just about consistency and application.

January 2014, we are CLOSED to you

Its time to decide what you want 2014 to be like

Because I am not waiting until you decide what your January 2014 new resolutions are

And all the new year new you rush...

If that's you, then I will happily tell you to go and join one of those crappy gym memberships

One thing I never say is "RWL" is for everyone.

Because it isn't.

In fact, I not only make that abundantly clear through my emails but also by the way you have to apply to become a

You see, with my verbiage, which can either discourage you as quick as possible or make you not want to implement
the information properly  which means you wouldn't last the course of the program to get YOU results.

Still, sometimes people slip through the cracks.

And, when they do, I ask them to leave... kindly of course.

So, those if you are waiting for the New Year to start

Im afraid our doors will be closed.

I've decided NOT to take on any members in the New Year

I'm actually doing you a favour

Because I know you'll quit in a few months time

You'll be wasting money

You'll be stuck because the allowance you put aside to invest in yourself is stuck in that shocking gym you joined back in Jan

Again, you'll have NO results

Again you'll be waiting until January 2015 to do something

The average amount of times a member uses a normal gym membership is 6 times per year...

No joke.

If you need permission to work on you

If you have to question my methods

If you are not willing to make a change

If you want to run the show because you think you know what to do

If you want to be just another number

If you don't want to be happy, and extremely confortable with your shape and size

If you're a little nervous about stepping up

Then we're not for you

It aint personal

I just want you to save your money (we're the most expensive results focused place in Leicester)

And, save your time.

There are lots of gyms, diets, personal trainers, life coaches that are the 'safe' option or have the norm methods of doing things

But you wont find them at RWL

On the otherhand...

If you think you've got what it takes then apply for our 30 day trial now.

Apply for a 30 day trial 

Remember, January we are closed to you unless you apply.

Joe 'results are my priority' Hanney

ps - we've had 6 people apply for the 30 day trial, just over Christmas without me having to encourage them... I love this...

Success really does leave clues

Thursday 26 December 2013

Santa's crAzY 2014 fat loss plan

I know it's Boxing Day and you probably feel a bit heavy headed after yesterday's celebrations (I do too!) but I HAVE to tell you about this crazy little guy who showed up at my door last night.

He was short, about 4 feet tall.

He also had weird shoes that curled at the toe.

And even more weird, he had pointy ears.

No, it wasn't Robert, our client who in fact turned up dressed exactly the same as I described above to workout this week.

I asked him who he was and he said he was a messenger from Santa!

Apparently, Santa is getting older and slower, and he's concerned about his weight now. That 5:2 diet just doesn't seem to cut it anymore :)

He is worried about what will happen to his health if he continues on these yo yo diets.

He doesn't want a heart attack while carrying presents to kids due to his weight and Ill health.

So he wanted my advice.

Can you believe that?

It's amazing what Google can do or wait a min

Are you, the real Santa? How else did he see my email about him the other day...

So here's what I told this messenger to tell Santa:

1. Start eating more

I told the messenger to tell Santa to get those elves to start bringing him more meat, broccoli and omega fats, instead of white carbs like bread, cereal and pasta

2. Quit eating the mince pies and milk!

When going down chimneys and seeing a plate of mince pies and a glass of milk, ignore it! And instead, leave a note next to them saying next year he'd prefer to be left a protein shake and almond butter or maybe some meat and cheese, instead.

And instead of milk, leave me some camomile tea.

Coconut waters are fine, too.

If he needs advice, he should register for my FREE Lifestyle M.E.N.U to Health webinar:

Click here to register

3. Start exercising less, but smarter

He doesn't have to huff and puff and sweat and strain on those cardio machines for hours, he can learn how to do our Em bodi-ment program instead, I'll be sharing how to do this on the FREE webinar:

Click here to register

I said to tell Santa this is NOT based on hard exercise nor cardio machines because as we don't have them and plus it's the least effective way to lose weight.

4. No sneaking around

We're not the place where you are just another number, we'll actually need to meet him to create his bespoke program through our Unique Identifier system. Again, we'll go into more detail on this, in our FREE webinar

Anyway, that's that.

This is the plan I have for Santa.

We'll see if he listens in 2014 or shows up on the webinar!

Enjoy Boxing Day!

I'll see you soon! :)

Joe 'Santa's coach' Hanney

ps - in case you haven't registered for the webinar here is the link again - click here 

Tuesday 24 December 2013

Would I be able to get the same level of results as your clients suggest?

You might have thought this at some point

Many of our CURRENT clients did at the start, generally when they were seeking us out
They’d see before and after pictures
Video testimonials
Raving reviews on Facebook
We even have a published book full of client testimonials
Even just this week I’ve seen one client in just 17 days reduce 2 jeans sizes
I can honestly see why you would have these reservations
Or as I like to call them ‘inner conflicts’
Inner conflict is that little voice in your head

You know that one that whenever you try to be a little confident, courageous
This voice tends to appear that's whispering to you all the reasons why you shouldn’t (lets call him Scrooge – miserable, negative, grump old man)
We all have this voice going on in our heads
Including me
The public speaking course I attended, this voice was there almost every other hour
The moment I had to go on stage
And how convincing can this voice be…. Oh my god!
Nearly everytime he  nearly had me shy away and just want to run home and hide
The very same voice is the voice that when you take a step forward can send you two steps back
Now, it is something when we get the opportunity to meet with you, we can help you with
As I did with myself
You see, the little voice didn’t win me over this time because I was strong minded
And its funny, because once you take a little risk
This then leads on to further risks
And the crazy thing
When there is no risk involved it’s not as exciting
Its like when you were a child, and you were told not to do something
But you would do it anyway
May be its time to bring your inner child out….
Angela, had the same reservations by the way
Take a look  at how it turned out for her…
“Having seen examples of clients success stories. I like to see real success stories rather than just general, generic statements of what a company can do for me. Before I invested in you I was doubtful I would be able to get the same level of results as your client examples suggested. This was probably due to my own lack of confidence, the feeling that I was a great big lump and my desired goal just seemed so far away from where I was, that it appeared to be unrealistic. In the end I decided I had nothing to lose and should give it a go. I must admit I was embarrassed and concerned with the fact that I was so large. People still have a mental image of the type of people who traditionally go to 'gyms' and it didn't fit with the woman who was staring back at me in the mirror. There was always the fear too that I may fail where other people had succeeded, which would have further dented my confidence. However, once I experienced everything that RWL had to offer and saw for myself the amazing results I achieved in such a short period of time, I was completely sold and had no doubt whatsoever that taking out the full membership would be a sound and worthwhile investment”
Now, there is nothing special about me, nor my team or even Angela (well, there was because she overcame her inner demons) but in the grand scheme of things there wasn’t…
But there is something very special in the system we use to get you the results
And its called our Lifestyle M.E.N.U to Health program…
We’re doing a live webinar on the 15th January
You can register your place by clicking here
Joe ‘looking forward to a glass of red wine or two this evening’ Hanney
ps.. Thank you to all of you that follow this blog. We are so grateful for every single one of you.

Monday 23 December 2013

How to motivate yourself to train harder!

They say that the most important thing about training is turning up and doing it. Generally I agree with this statement, but there will come a point in most people's journey's where they are training regularly and hitting a plateau or feel they are lacking motivation to really push themselves.

The way I see it, this is the point between having a workout and training. In the past you have turned up, completed your programme and left the gym; without really giving any consideration as to what you are looking to achieve.

This is the transition point between having the mentality of beginner and  the mentality of an athlete. You cannot achieve your potential with a beginner mentality, in fact you may never achieve anything at all.

That's right, in order to achieve everything you would like to you have to have the mentality of someone who achieves big things. You cannot be comfortable where you are, or take comfort from outperforming the others around you.

Do not be the big fish in a small pond. Turn up to the gym with the intention to give it 100% and if that doesn't make you nervous then you have never really given 100%.

I believe that everyone can stand to train with more intensity, you can always give more. Here's how to motivate yourself to do it:

Pre-workout meditation

Meditation is a very powerful tool, and what I'm referring to is not humming with your legs crossed and thinking of calm fields. Meditation is simply inducing an altered state of consciousness.

What I am suggesting you do is to find a way to illicit the aggressive, determined state of mind which you need to push yourself. You can do this in a number of ways:

  • Listening to fast paced/motivational music
  • Mentally picturing yourself training incredibly hard. Imagine what it will feel like to make that lift or hit that heart rate.
  • Tell yourself how great you are, and mean it. No-one I know of did it better than Mohammed Ali. Whether he was right or not he was utterly convinced he was unbeatable.

  • Write down a critical appraisal of your training. How much effort did you give. Make sure you do include positives but you have to be harsh because no one should have higher standards of yourself than you own, there is always plenty room for improvement.
  • If you aren't able to train as hard as you can then don't. Don't train because it says so on a piece of paper. Take a rest day and then give it 100% tomorrow.
    • This is the hardest decision to make. If you feel the same way tomorrow then you are not getting the point and are just avoiding training because you don't want to. It will take time to be able to make this decision properly but if you are committed then you will learn.

Your joints will explode

Quite literally

If you do one of two things in the gym

1-run or cycle

2-resistance machine exercises

Let's begin by discussing number 1-running or cycling

You have used these before right?

Well, according to IRSHA report, they are two of the most popular exercises that members do in the gym

Plus, they are the first two things that a personal trainer will put you on if you are trying to lose weight

Cardio to lose weight and all that bulls@it

Now, I am not going to go into a rant about how cardio doesn't work for weight loss - I've done this many times before

This time I want to approach it from a different angle

And that is...

Well, if we consider the average 'weight' of a beginner at a gym is around 12-14 stone

The actual IMPACT on joints when running for instance is proven to be around 4 times your own body weight vibrating 
through each joint especially those knees of yours... ^^^ouch^^^

Now, a few things to consider how this impacts the body

Bare in mind there are more but for the purposes of today I'll just share a few

*stress through your joints (cause for weight gain)

*inflammation build up (cause for weight gain)

*injury concern (cause weight gain and lifestyle effected)

*feeling of inadequateness  (imagine trying to run at that weight - how demoralising it must be) im not suggesting for 
one minute that you cant it just wont feel natural and will be really uncomfortable)

*once one joint is effected it tends to hand itself to effecting other joints, i.e. lower back problems


Is this the same for cycling Joe?

In short, yes.

I know what you are thinking, "but you sit down when you cycle, Joe"

Yes you do,

But you also sit for 8 hours of the day if not more

Cycling, sitting however you want to put it for those many hours do lead to muscle length imbalance's and other 
technical things around bio mechanics but i'll spare you the jargon (I hate it when trainers try talking to clients in fitness 
language it should be in the language that you understand)

If anything, where by running can be what we call a self limiting exercise...this is where your body tells you when a 
enough is enough

The bike can actually 'MASK' this

e.g. the cycle starts to get a little tougher, so you decide to lower the resistance...which makes it easier but you still can 
continue to cycle though

did you know that a 45 minute 'spin class' is equivalent to approx. 4000 lunges

Talk about over training the joints

Try doing 10 lunges with a 4 second pause at the bottom... never mind 4000... haha!

The same goes for machine based resistance exercises- point number 2

For one, they work muscles only in isolation (one muscle at a time)

Only body builders really use them

Though gyms are packed with them

They essentially allow the body to push more load (weight) than the joints are capable of withstanding

Mainly operate in one plane of movement

Using only one to four muscle groups at time

By the way, tell me a time when you only ever use 'one muscle' when moving in the real world...

There isn't a time!!!


The funny thing is...

The resistance machines are laid out randomly

No thought process behind it

Just whatever machines fit in the space available on the gym floor and we'll fit the rest around it kind of thing

By doing it this way I can more or less predict your program already and it will usually consist of the following

Leg press
Shoulder press
Leg extension
Leg curl
Lat pulldown

In that order as well...

So what are you getting at Joe?

Well, for one you're doing exercises in the order they are placed in the gym not what best for you

Two, it's exactly the same program as the other thousands of members at the gym

Exactly the same

Talk about a disservice

Or designing a customised program for your customised body

It NEVER happens in a gym

And it will never happen

So be my guest and join a commercial gym in the New Year

You don't need to as I've just shared with you the program they will give you

Here it is again

Cardio (bike or treadmill)

10 mins on each

Resistance machines exercises (3 sets of 10 or 15 reps)
Leg press
Shoulder press
Leg extenstion
Leg curl
Lat pulldown

No wonder the fitness industry is in decline

Too predictable

If you want something that is not your typical standard Gym or PT approach

Something whereby we had to unlearn everything that the industry taught us

We're smaller and more personal in our service. 

We're very private and exclusive and have a dedicated small team of coaches who work with you to provide a service 
that's tailored to your needs.

We've won multiple awards and one of our coaches received international personal trainer of the year 2013.

We're renowned for what we do because we give you all the steps you need to reach your goals then provide all the guidance and support you need along the way to get you there and maintain it.

we've creatde our very own successful system

Apply now by clicking here

Joe 'don't like the gym?, we're the place to begin...' Hanney

Ps.. I'll share my story where I went in to starbucks the other day and didn't even buy a coffee... if you know me i'm a coffee snob and i love my coffee as well.... it'll be with you later this week

Thursday 19 December 2013

Why is Santa Fat?

Well, NOT the Santa's that paid me a visit yesterday.

Yes, I meant to say santa's has there were many of them

As a matter of fact - all disguised as our clients :)

It was a really lovely gesture by them all

They actually all grouped together (something that we are renowned for) TOGETHERNESS!!

And presented me with some really amazing gifts

My favourite as got to be the 2014 calendar they had especially made

Some of the photos and how the photos were staged/put together however you want to put it are very comical indeed!!!

Clients staged a scene at mcdonalds (well that's what they told me)

Memories from this year like when Sam won International Personal Trainer of the Year 2013

Clients putting their feet up at the gym and reading 50 shades of grey

All our charity events

The list goes on....

So, if any of you are reading this a huge big thank you to you, from the bottom of my heart 'my second family'


Now, back to the email

Why is santa fat or at the very least why have we been given the impression that he is...

Well, think about it, he kinda does that whole fasting for a year thing then eats only at Christmas time

You could call it the 5:2 diet... fast for 2 days eat what you want for the other 5...

You may recall this diet, craze, whatever you want to call it

Damn, you may have even tried it at one stage

If that isn't metabolic syndrome in the making then I don't what it is...

Wikipedia define it as

Metabolic syndrome is a disorder of energy utilization and storage, diagnosed by a co-occurrence of 3 out of five of the following medical conditions: abdominal (central) obesity, elevated blood pressure, elevated fasting plasma glucose, high serum triglycerides, and low high-density cholesterol (HDL) levels. The metabolic syndrome increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, particularly heart failure, and diabetes.[1] Some studies have shown the prevalence in the USA to be an estimated 34% of the adult population,[2] and prevalence increases with age.

If you want this disorder I suggest that you continue down the path of diets, extreme weight loss protocols, starvation, and ridiculous cardio routines.

Or just hire a personal trainer... you wont be short of them next year with 18,000 estimated to enter the industry...

This is not a good thing

Actually quite the opposite

This tells you that ANYONE can get a PT qualification

In fact, I have never known anyone to fail a pt exam... its that easy...

Don't believe me, try it for yourself

You could be qualified in 6 weeks...

A joke and complete backass system...

So no, don't hire a pt

Joe 'yet to do any Christmas shopping' Hanney

ps - because we have been really overwhelmed with peoples replies and wanting a seminar via the net rather than live in person we are going to be hosting a live webinar- it will take place on Wednesday 15th January 2014 at 8pm (you can watch it from your very own living room)

On the webinar, I will reveal

*How to set goals that inspire you - a confidence boost
*How to put an end to yo - yo dieting - and what works for you
*How to enjoy exercising again - and do it with passion and purpose
*How to find out whats best for you -  a lifestyle that fits uniquely around you

Pps all this will be explained in that video I keep barking on about.... Its coming I promise.. but for now you can register for the webinar by clicking here

Wednesday 18 December 2013

A Significant Investment

What is that for you?

Perhaps it's a pair of shoes

Maybe a new car

Or new clothes

Or even Jewellery

The question is would you consider your health as a significant investment?

"What do you mean when you say significant investment, Joe?"

Well, it's where you purchase something of VALUE

Wikipedia defines it has

"Sufficiently great or important to be worthy of attention; noteworthy."

It's funny how many people with health concerns see more significance in buying a new car, or taking Sky TV out, or spending £100 out at the weekend on booze etc,  over their health?

Here's a very interesting fact for you...

If price was the issue of becoming a member here (we're are the most expensive gym in Leicester)

Then you do have the options of joining a £10 per month gym or even a mid-range price bracket gym for £50 per month.. at the very least you are doing something for your health right?

I'm all for that

However, why is it that the low budget gyms have only seen an increase in membership by 1% 
since their last survey a few years back?

This raises a few questions...

1.       People that think they cant afford it are just not prioritising their money

2.       People don't see health as a significant investment in themselves

3.       If price was the issue why have they not joined the cheap gym

You can also ask the question to the members already at these gyms, and ask "why do you not go, even though you are paying a gym membership fee each month?

Do you want to know why?

It is because its cheap, no value. Its not significant to them...

However, do you think if you invested MORE money in to a specialist gym, like ours, you'd be 
more likely to turn up?

Of course you would because its of a significant investment to you

Its means something to you

I'll leave you with another interesting fact

83% of the population don't belong to a gym

And I think it is because as an industry they are doing a BAD job

When in fact they have a perfect opportunity to do the opposite and change LIVES and do a grand job

Joe 'creating change' Hanney

Ps the video is coming right up

Tuesday 17 December 2013

I think I may know U

Even though I may have never met you

Try and convince me otherwise

Perhaps, you have 1 or maybe 5,6 or even all of the 21 problems below...

You have a Lack of confidence

You Suffer from low self esteem

You are slightly overweight (or whatever overweight is, in your mind)

You don't like your size

You have poor health

You have a lack of or have no energy

You need direction and specific training to help you achieve your goals

You feel like you are not getting anywhere

^^^keeping nodding :)^^^

You are bored with your current programme

Not enjoying your regime

Highly Stressed

Suffer from time to time with anxiety

You opt for more than you should when it comes to junk food

You Don't know how to deal with food

You've constantly been on a Yo yo diet

^^^still not convinced^^^

Let's go again then...

You've been educated wrongly around nutrition - what you thought you knew isn't correct

You are not exercising enough

You suffer with Low self-worth

Perhaps you don't know what is best for you

You are not keen on trying new things because everything you've tried in the past as failed you

You may have some kind of injury


Have a convinced you enough yet?

Now, that I am aware of these things going on

Do you think, that maybe I could help you..

You see , I understand your frustration, problems whatever you want to call them

Because over 12 years of doing this ive met THOUSANDS of people just like you

That came to me with the very same issues

And guess what... we changed them


Because we provided this

We understood how they felt

We understood what they was going through, the hurdles they faced, we didn't judge and we believed in them so much
so that they could believe in themselves again

We were able to work alongside them, encourage them, guide them and support them

We helped rebuild their confidence and self-belief, by helping them achieve their goal which was to become the person
they once was

We helped keep them motivated and tackle something that they had always failed at long term

We helped eliminate sugar cravings and mindless eating

We took people away from the feeling of "I don't want to be 'nothing' again"

Once we've done that they then continue their life with wanting us more in their life to keep them happy, so that we
become a healthy hobby to them.

And finally, it is a way of keeping in close contact with all the amazing friends they have made along the way.

Find out how we do this by applying here.

Joe 'I also know what your biggest battles, pains, struggles, challenges and frustrations' Hanney

Ps- I'm not a stalker :)

I just take massive interest in whom I working with

Friday 13 December 2013

Excuses or Reasons?

Which do you use regularly?

Let me tell you about Karen.

Karen, had all of these excuses going on before she joined us

"I always thought it was too far to travel"

"I didn't have enough time"

"It was too expensive"

Perhaps, you do to?

Now, Karen also had her reasons not to join

"I was also worried about my sciatica and what exercises I would be able to do"

Do you see the difference between the two

Now, I totally get both

But, what was more important to note was Karens 'why'

Why is health and fitness important to Karen?

She can only answer this

And if it is of importance in her life at that particular moment in time when considering to join us

She could quite possible find a away to do anything

However, if her reason 'why' was not of any importance then she'll just continue to procrastinate

And something to note, she just wouldn't be in the right frame of mind to start anyway

Which I totally get!

In Karen's case, she was in the right frame of mind but just needed steering in the right direction

For instance, those excuses soon became non existent

Too far too travel was changed to one of the most important journeys of my week, not day (She travels 40 miles, all round trip, a minimum of 3 times per week)

Not enough time, ties in with excuse number one, but is now a case of, what do I give up that takes up time but is not 
important to me i.e. average person watches 4 hours of TV a day. It's about getting your priorities right? But these only 
become right, once you are in the right frame of mind

If time is your excuse

Then think about this. It takes the same amount of time to cook junk food as it does to cook healthily

It was once thought expensive, is now, "I am so looking forward to the next 12 months with you and continuing to 
progress onwards and upwards with you."

The great thing about this is, we never put our prices up for existing members, so if you are in the boat of thinking its too 
expensive now its only going to get more expensive for you

But not for our members.

So why not apply now

See Karen's results below (along with a Thank you card)

Same Shorts
Same Shorts - did ya notice

Now every time you find yourself questioning things

Ask is it an excuse or a reason?

Joe 'got a bust weekend putting a video together for ya' Hanney

ps - Karen's reason about her sciatica was legit also, but we sourced the necessary information, confided in our partnered Osteopath and doctors and  well, more or less fixed this problem now.