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Thursday 31 October 2013

Being skinny, vegetarianism and a missing vitamin

What you look like, how you feel and how you perform are a direct result of what you eat. Generally speaking, when I tell people that vegetarians have a harder time achieving physique goals than omnivores, I get a shocked look and the following question.

'But aren't all vegetarians really skinny?'

No, not by a long shot. The people who you see who are 'really skinny' tend to be the kind of vegetarians who don't eat meat because they don't like the taste, or the idea of eating something which was alive.

It is my opinion that this kind of (for want of a better word) fussy attitude translates into their general food, and these type of people tend not to eat very much at all. Thus leaving them skinny and as far as I'm concerned being skinny is a bad thing.

The vast majority of vegetarians I see exist on a diet or dairy, wheat and processed foods. As a result they struggle with carrying too much fat. Not the health conscious diet with which vegetarians are usually associated with.

When you have someone on that kind of diet, the best way to reverse the effects is to increase the amount of protein and cut all starchy carbs for a while. In this time the person's sensitivity to insulin will increase and they will be able to utilise their food better. more energy for use and less energy for storage.

However with vegetarians you cannot really cut the carbs out, you can just reduce them. This means that they never get really high insulin sensitivity. Luckily there are other ways around it.

However there are some dietary staples which vegetarians just can't get enough of and one of those is vitamin B12. This essential nutrient is found in high quantities in meat, fish and eggs and there is no proven way to for vegetarians to get enough of it without taking a supplement.

Plants do not need B12 and so they store none at all. Some vegetarians suggest that you can get B12 from fermented soy products, but they are not the same thing. The substance they are referring to is similar to B12, but actually blocks the uptake of the vitamin. Meaning that even more is required.

50% of long term vegetarians are deficient in the vitamin and 80% of vegans are too.

Severe deficiency results in high levels of inflammation, chronic fatigue, cancer, male infertility, heart disease, nervous degradation and altered metabolism.

Not pretty at all, even a mild deficiency will result in an impaired nervous system and impaired gut function.

The best thing to do to combat this is to get a test from the doctor, they should be free on the NHS. Supplements are cheap and easy to come by, so there is no excuse!!!

Would you have judged me?

Let me tell you about the time I found myself wearing a pair of the same shoes that were two different colours

Yes, the same style but one was brown and one was black

Probably the most embarrassing moment of my life

You see, I was scheduled to be at the Department of Health Conference sometime a few years back which was based in London

I wont go in to detail

However, I travelled by train for an hour or so

Had to walk through St Pancreas station at possibly the busiest time you could imagine

Then attend a conference of around 500 people

What I didn’t know was that I was walking around all the time in two different colour shoes!!!

You should have seen the panic on my face once I had acknowledged this

Crazy things going around my head

“I bet people think I’m crazy”

I became extremely paranoid

Everyone is looking at me

Everyone will judge me before they even get to know me

Quick get me to a shoe shop

Then it hit me like a big red London bus would feel like if it ran over you!!!

This is exactly what my clients feel like

You see, I kinda know a certain amount of struggles, uncertainty that our clients go through when they decide to step in to our place for the first time

But this was on a different level

It is why we focus on our clients mindset more than anything

Think about it

When you train at the gym its basically a workout

That’s all it is right?

Even if you hired a trainer

They just provide you with a workout, wouldn’t you agree?

So where is the thought gone into the mind-set side of things?

I actually think now, that there is no point in training unless you get the mind-set right

But to do this you have to feel comfortable where you are training

And whom you’re training with

Read what Jackie our member had to say:
“Initially i was not sure that you could help but i very quickly realised that this was something that i could do without needing to be any other label and that giving up some perceived control showed me that i was using emotional control as a way of allowing the rest of my life to be out of control. i learned that exercise  and you gave me freedom.

We’ve considered this that's why it has become a fundamental element for any client wanting to train with us that they should follow through with our “Unlock the Brain To Achieve U Program™”

It all starts from the first point of contact we have with you

And that’s done via an ‘arousing’ phone call where we attempt to re awaken u and show you that you can get results once and for all

It helps us recognises and addresses each individuals unique underlying issues in order to help them achieve their goals through exercise, nutrition and lifestyle choices.

You could say being a member at RWL is application only

But id be lying if it was (not yet anyway)

It is our way of knowing if we can help you

But more importantly it shows us if you are a good fit for us

So if you want to be considered then email me right back saying...

"YES PLEASE" and also include "YOUR PHONE NUMBER" for a quick 15 minute chat to see if you are the right person for this

If we feel we can help we’ll invite you in for a chat and possibly a 30 day trial

Until next time

Joe (doesn't get ready in the dark no more) Hanney

PS. our members are super focused for the Christmas Party Dress, they’ve chosen which one they want to wear its all down to getting into it now

Past experience tells me they’ll have no problems J

PPS. thinking back to this no one once stopped me to tell me that I have the wrong colour shoes on

This makes me think

“your thoughts are powerful, powerful things. Your focus whether good or bad puts your subconscious to work, and it stays busy finding more and more of what you’re focused on”

Just as it did in my little incident above

So why don’t we both, myself and you just focus on what’s right, what you do want and how you want things to work. It’ll be worth it, I promise you. 

Wednesday 30 October 2013

People like you don’t go to the gym right?

Is this due to your own lack of confidence?

Or does this have something to do with the way that you currently feel about yourself and your goal just seems so far away, that joining a gym to achieve this just seems too unrealistic to reach?

Or could it be and one of which we have experienced most with our members when they originally join us is that they don’t want to be compared or even judged because you have a fear that you are not going to achieve the same level of results as our member success stories suggest

____wait a minute____

I kinda float in the same boat really

You see, I hate the typical commercial gym

So much so, at one time when I worked in one, I actually contemplated quitting the fitness industry

What bothered me most was the fact that the staff doesn’t care about you

They’re not even the slightest friendly

The gyms are so huge it just looks like a huge warehouse full of machines

Did you know the cardio machines (bike, treadmill and xtrainer) are only there because the gym doesn’t have enough staff to look after you?

They actually want it this way

They need something to keep you occupied

That’s why they just plonk you on the first piece of cardio machine in sight without even asking about your goals

What if doing cardio was the least effective exercise to achieve your goals?

They don’t care they just want to make sure your occupied

Or at the very most hope that you become bored, sick and tired of doing the same thing over and over again

To where you eventually stop showing up

This is actually their business model “hoping you don’t show up”

Imagine if 5000 members did?

Then you have the actual other members

I don’t know about you but I think half of them don’t even know what they’re doing they just turn up in their fancy gym gear looking the part but not actually doing anything

If only they knew that doing the stepper for 2 hours, actually damaged their knees, didn’t burn a single fat calorie and if anything over time made them un healthier than when they actually started

Just this weekend in a gym at the hotel I stayed just looking around made me think to myself if only they knew

But then this brings me on to my next point

WHERE are the staff?

Why isn’t someone pro-actively helping these members, that’s what they are paying for right?

The reason is because

1.       They can’t be arsed. They’re NOT passionate enough about helping people change their life’s (That’s the opportunity they have right?)

2.       They’ve been taught at a very basic level – they couldn’t even adjust your exercise selection so that the member a) got a better more rewarding return b) the exercise they know are so generic its untrue and c) they have no peoples skills or even life skills as a matter of fact.

And a bigger reason for me is that they have NO experience in helping people like you!!!

If they say they have  - ask them to prove it

Call them out

I mean photos, measurements, testimonials even ask to meet likeminded individuals

And I mean life changing proof!!!

___There’s more____

But I am going to get of my high horse here otherwise I’ll rant for a whole week about this stuff

The point I am getting at is

There is someone who can help you

There is a coach that can get you from where you are to where you’d like to be

We have members that have been in your shoes and wont judge you they will even be there supporting you all the way, hey you may even become GOOD friends a lot of our members do

We have experience not only from a results point of view but also as leaders in the industry – Sam, my program director will be responsible for your program design and he currently is IFS Personal Trainer of the Year 2013

And so much more

But again don’t take our word for it

Talk is cheap right?

Once you have been to us you won’t go anywhere else or even feel the need to search

The gym gives us a whole different meaning it enables us to use it as a platform to meet you

“You gained my trust by delivering what you said you could help me achieve, through honesty and integrity and by being there every step of the way. Strongest values - Your belief in what you do, your desire to get the clients the results they seek, your honesty, integrity and customer focus. What do I value about your service - All of the above together with the fact that it's delivered by some of the nicest guys I've ever met.”

Nice quote there wouldn’t you agree?

By the way, if you would like to meet me face to face for a coffee and a chat then just give me a call sometime on 0116 276 3411

And then we can discuss how our 30 day trial with you – gives you a perfect opportunity to see what we do here RWL without getting yourself tied in to a mess and a place where you don’t like

Joe (would love to impersonate Gordon Ramseys Kitchen Nightmares for Gyms) Hanney

Ps we are probably one of the first to have no cardio equipment in our gym, none whatsoever!

Tuesday 29 October 2013

Justifying spending money on yourself

So I have an interesting story from a member for you

Karen actually felt the same

"My battle was about justifying spending money on myself and putting myself first. With
a son at Uni it is always in my head to put him first and I use to save all my
spare money for him and make sure he was well provided for so he didn't have to work at Uni
/ get into debt, and also for his future and so he has a good inheritance!"

You see you're not alone. It makes complete sense to think like this, why wouldn't you. It goes to show how much you care about someone,
someone very close to you.

Hey, it might not be the same story it could either be that you have an
outstanding mortgage, or you have bills to pay, or whatever else
you can JUSTIFY paying money for

However, my question to you is at what point in your life did you

You are the most important person right?


Well, what happens when you become ill, who looks after the ship

When was the last time you did something for you?

When did you put yourself first?

Why are you always putting yourself at the bottom of the list?

When will it be time to put yourself first?

Do you even know when?

90% of the people that we meet for the first time are in the same

They just cannot remember when they did

All they are searching for is someone to ask the right questions

To lead them in the direction of how they can do this

Take a look at what Karen had to say once she had decided to get
over the self-doubt and come to see us

"However, putting myself first has paid dividends. He has seen me get fit and healthy and
follows my example. I am very proud that he is taking his health and fitness
seriously, and I wish I had done it at his age. In fact I wish I had found RWL
when I was younger - to think what I could have done / been!!"

This can be you as well

Karen was just like you

Then she decided to do something

"However, hearing success stories and looking at your website combined with
everything else I had tried failing made me keep a watching eye over RWL.
I was attracted by the "award winning" coach, the professional
website, the success stories on the website etc. I knew you could help me after
meeting Joe at the Jeans Challenge Seminar - he was so confident and I was
extremely impressed by the fact that he'd had to "unlearn what he
had been taught" (his words) and went off to research fat loss in a non
standard PT approach. I thought RWL was for "rich people" when I
started on the jeans challenge, however, I soon found out that most people were
normal like me! I thought I couldn't afford it, but soon realised I could.
My battle was about justifying spending money on myself and putting myself first."

You have a perfect opportunity to meet me this coming Thursday
at our 'Why Stress Makes You Fat Seminar'

You'll also get to learn how to manage your stress for the better

Win Win situation if you ask me

But I'm not you

I'll hopefully get to see you at the event.

Joe (I am much nicer in person) Hanney

PS you'll also get to meet Karen (the person in this email) at
the seminar because she's still a member and our members get
peripheral treatment at the seminars

Register your place here

PPS need further proof of how many people are coming then visit

Thursday 24 October 2013

Is poor digestion the root of all illness?

There are plenty of sexy supplements out there, things like creatine, BCAA's, magnesium and zinc all promise bigger muscles, less fat and a great looking physique. However I rarely get asked questions about supplements such as digestive enzymes and probiotics. You don't really see them in magazines or as topics of discussion on internet forums. As a result you would think that they are of no value, just a ruse from supplement companies to make more money. But the fact is they are all valuable and I would recommend them to everyone, after all you are what you eat, no?

Well almost, as I have said before in a previous article; you are what you eat, assimilate and absorb, which very different.

Digestive enzymes are endogenously produced proteins which are used to help accelerate the breakdown process of food in our gut. The process is vital and allows broken down amino acids, sugars and fats to enter our blood stream and be used productively, for growth, repair and recovery.

So what if you have undigested food in your gut. Surely not being able to properly digest your food would not be such a bad thing, especially if you wanted to lose body fat? You get all the pleasure of eating without the knock on effects of the calories.

If only life was that simple.

When partially digested proteins lie in your intestines, unfortunately they don't just pass through. Due to high levels of stress, micronutrient deficiencies, inflammation, drugs, antibiotics, alcohol, high exposure to chemical toxins and bad foods such as wheat and trans fats (doughnuts); most of our guts are damaged and have microscopic holes in them. The condition is called leaky gut syndrome, or gut permeability and those large partially digested proteins get to enter our blood.

In the blood they are recognised as pathogens, and they evoke a non-specific immune response. The result of this is high levels of inflammation and symptoms such as acne, foggy head, low mood, bloating, gas, loose or foul smelling stools and constipation. This is how we develop a food intolerance.

Every time the offending protein enters the blood, the same thing will happen. The bad news is that things like wheat, eggs and dairy produce this response to some degree in almost everyone, but they don't have to.

The first thing you should do if you are concerned that you have food intolerances is to take a food intolerance test. Following from that, if your suspicions have been confirmed you should take time to eliminate the offending foods from your diet.

Over the next 3-6 months you need to rebuild your gut lining. The way to do this is by eat a diet free from intolerant foods and chemicals and by supplementing your gut so you can feed your body properly.

You should be taking:

omega-3 fatty acids
multi vitamins
digestive enzymes
HCL (if it is low)
pre-biotics (kefir, yoghurt)

What you will gain from all this is a fully functioning immune system and a fully capable digestive system which can tolerate most foods. If you have a damaged gut then restoring it will allow you to make huge gains in a very small amount of time, reduce your risk of chronic disease and most of all help you to lose fat as fast as possible.

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Why you get carb cravings and what you can do about them

Almost everybody I see who alters their diet to include more vegetables and less processed carbohydrates experiences the feeling of sugar cravings and inconsistent energy levels at some point along their journey.
I find it fascinating that something as simple as a craving can be so intense as to completely reverse someone's intentions. One day you wake up, look at yourself in the mirror and sincerely promise that today is the day you stop eating junk; only to be foiled 12 hours later when the post dinner chocolate cravings come. It's actually quite sad when you think about it.
Cadbury's (or to whomever you go to get your fix) are reaching into your wallet, helping themselves and leaving you feeling worse, slightly fatter and generally lousy; and there's nothing you can do about it.
The main physiological causes of this weakness are as follows:
  • Inadequate fat burning following dietary alteration
  • Blood sugar imbalances
  • Micronutrient deficiencies

Burning fat vs. burning carbs

Your body really doesn't need a lot of carbs to function well, in fact it can function without them completely. It's better not to, and I would not recommend it but it is theoretically possible; there are no essential carbohydrates.
When you reduce your carb intake, what normally follows are sugar cravings. It's just the same as a smoker stopping smoking, your body gets used to doing things a certain way and when it no longer has the resources to function as it was, it tells you it needs sugar.
But it can adapt, for some it takes a few days, for others it takes a lot longer, but eventually everyone is capable of living on a low carb diet quite happily.
Blood sugar imbalances
Most people are somewhere along the line for developing diabetes. You don't get clinically diagnosed with diabetes until you hit stage 4 beta cell dysfunction. But many people are sitting completely unaware at the very stable stage 2 (stage 1 being healthy).
This means that people don't handle their sugar as well as they could do. They get spikes of insulin regularly, and they also experience blood sugar dips if they go too long without eating.
This is why when you have hardly had anything to eat all day until you get out of work you make bad, impulsive food choices. Your body just wants sugary, fast energy as quickly as possible.
People think sugar cravings are normal. They think that low energy levels in the afternoon are normal. They think sleeping less than 8 hours a night is normal, and they're right. It's just everyone is unhealthy.
Getting too much junk, and not enough food.
When you body lacks essential nutrients it is unable to process your food properly and the result is low energy and poor blood sugar control.
Take the example of magnesium. Almost everyone is deficient and most of those who supplement with a multivitamin are too, because they take it in an indigestible, cheap, low quality form. Magnesium deficiency reduced the effectiveness of your muscles and organs taking sugar out of your blood. This contributes to high blood sugar and stage 2 beta cell dysfunction, it's that simple.
But we are also conditioned to psychologically crave sugar. Through conditioning and boredom. When we are emotional we give ourselves a temporary lift from eating sugar.
So how can you fight back against cravings?

The first is to improve your diet, by addressing the poor blood sugar management, nutrient deficiencies and allowing your body to adapt to a lower carb diet, the cravings will reduce. But for most this isn't the problem.
Food for thought:
Imagine you have some carb source that you are craving, shouldn't be too hard ... Let's say a lovely comforting bowl of banana porridge, maybe some raisins chucked in for good measure.
It's sitting right in front of you, you can move it forwards and backwards , you can move it left and right. You can even move it in a third dimension by picking it up off the table. But how about you take that bowl of porridge and move it along the fourth dimension, time.
Right now that bowl of porridge offers you no measurable long term benefit. In fact by eating it you will be jeopardising your future self. How many times have you regretted eating something and been annoyed at yourself?
By eating that porridge immediately you are hurting your future by denying yourself the ability to achieve what you want to achieve. You are demonstrating your preference for the current version of yourself as opposed to the future version, but there is a vital point on which you are missing out. Your future self will become your present self. The 'right now' urge you have now will be a 'right now' regret in an hour.
You are solely responsible for your past self selling out to buy ice cream, booze and chocolate.
Instead of acting impulsively, act intelligently. Use the fourth dimension to your advantage, you really can have you porridge and eat it too.
The value of that meal is nothing now, but in the future after a period of abstinence it will be incredibly valuable. As a post-workout reefed meal if will be used to spark your metabolism into life, burn more fat, increase your carb tolerance and fill out your muscles.
By delaying your indulgence and acting intelligently you have really learned to love yourself. Past, present and future. The secret to discipline, consistency and success is valuing your future as much as you value the present.

'Successful people do what they have to do, whether they feel like it or not'


Thursday 17 October 2013

Timing carbohydrates to maximise results

Here's the deal, carbs are great. They taste good and make you feel warm and fuzzy on the inside, and the good news is that as long as you eat within your tolerance, there is no reason not to enjoy them in your diet. But when is the best time to have them? Morning, night time or all the time?

Let's hear the argument for the morning

When you wake up, it should be at least 8 hours since your last feeding. As a result of this overnight fast your insulin sensitivity is a little higher than it is during the day. The benefit of this is that the food you consume for breakfast is more likely to be shuttled into your muscles than it is at other times of the day, meaning more energy and less body fat. 

But there is a second effect of carbs, they affect serotonin levels in the brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter which affects mood, the more of it you have, the better you feel. This is one of the reasons why you get that happy feeling when you eat a sugary treat. Chocolate really is as good as prozac. 

Breakfast sets your brain chemistry for the remainder of the day. So if you begin the day with a sugary breakfast cereal, your body will want to keep that kind of food going for the rest of day. Eating carbs in the morning may be better for body composition in the short term; when it is contextualised into a whole day of carb cravings it may not be such a clever idea. 

How about the evening?

Rule one of dieting not to eat carbs after 6pm. The reason for this is when you go to sleep you are just going to store all of the sugar as fat. After all you can be less active than when you're asleep. 


When you are asleep you are actually very active. Your body uses this time to heal recover and grow, so you need fuel to keep you going.

Also you can cash in on that serotonin rise as it will help to reduce stress and allow us to sleep better.   

So all in all I would recommend starting the day with a low carb meat breakfast, smoked mackerel and cashew nuts is a personal favourite, and then end the day with a moderate portion of carbs to go with you meal. 

Even better would be to train in the evening and then treat your carbohydrate meal as your post workout meal. 

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Here's why you probably can't squat what you say you can squat

If you took 100 people in the general public you wanted to improve their fitness to some degree, how many different specific goals do you think you would hear?

I'd say not many.

For about 99% of people out there all they care about is improved aesthetics from altered body composition. This term covers:
  • Muscle gain
  • Fat loss
  • Toning up
  • Leaning down
  • Getting abs
  • Losing bingo wings
  • Getting 'fit' for a beach holiday
All these people want the same thing and they will all receive broadly similar advice, 'Eat less junk food and more food food'.

So what about the other aspects of fitness? Here's a few more:
  • Agility
  • Mobility
  • Stability
  • Strength
  • Power
  • Posture
  • Speed
  • Aerobic fitness
  • Anaerobic fitness
Today I'd like to discuss flexibility and why I believe it is so important.

Here's a classic example that I hear from people who train, and aren't really sure of what they're doing.

"I hit a new PB today on the squat, I got 160kg for three reps."

Did you though, really?

My response to this is usually the same, can you squat your body weight though?

Most people give me a look of derision when I ask this question and, when they say yes, I'm usually faced with something like this:

If when asked, they sit just off the floor with their back flat and their heels on the floor then I stand back, tell them how impressed I am and to keep up the good work. (This hasn't happened yet).
The beauty of free weights is that they don't just isolate strength training, they force people to develop patterns of movement which make them more flexible and have better posture (healthier).
The simple truth is that if you are squatting 160kgs like this then you really aren't doing anything apart from creating an imbalance. I'll explain why.
Most of the power in the top half of a squat (demonstrated above) comes from straightening your knees. Conversely most of the power from the bottom of a squat comes from your glutes and hamstrings.
Any functional gain in terms of power and strength in an athletic sense will be greatly reduced. By chucking 160kgs on your back and straightening your knees, you're developing a very well defined pair of quadriceps, underdeveloped glutes and a knee/hip injury.
Rant over - Here's what to do
Put down the bar bell, put down your ego and train body weight until you can do a full deep overhead squat.
Perform flexibility training as follows.
Foam rolling
Dynamic Stretching
Static Stretching
PNF Stretching
Motor Pattering
Treat it like you would treat your strength training. A flexibility session takes an hour. Commit to it and do it with rest periods and adequate recovery afterwards. If you do this, your flexibility will improve dramatically in a few weeks.
What needs to be done specifically is entirely dependent on the individual and what their limiting factor is. Contact me if you have any queries.

Call - 01162763411
Twitter - @rwlgym
Facebook -

Well done...

Friday 11 October 2013

80's Disco Workout, The British Heart Foundation and Racing Heart Rates

They're all coming to RWL!

As you know we're all about 'Embracing and Driving Change' 

All of the programs we create for you are based around science and real world application, however, we are always asking ourselves one question -

"How can we make our programs faster, better and more accurate at getting real time results?"

Thinking about the above question we also asked ourselves this - 

"Time is limited in the gym, so how can we maximise this time enough and ensure that we are creating a maximum metabolic disturbance for members' programs?"

You see, your time is valuable; even more valuable when it comes to training in the gym because at the most the majority of you have only 1-2 times per week to train. Having done the maths on this, it equates to about 1% of your total time across any given week.

"What can we do then to focus on maximising this 1%?"

In some people's eyes, this 1% needs to make you feel that your receiving a maximum return for your time, effort and investment whilst at the gym. It's especially important that we scrutinise this even more!

In a moment I'll show you what we have planned for you...

But before I do I would like to see how many of you would be interested in attending an 'old school 80's disco workout to help us launch this new service at RWL?

I can just imagine how fun it will be, Jeff and Sam in luminous stockings and sweat bands !! 
Now, that would be a reason more than anything to see those pair dressed up, especially if this picture is anything to go by? 

If you are interested in us doing something like this, just leave us a comment below and I'll get right too it!

It'll be on Friday 1st November, if you would be up for that?

Now, back to where I started...

1%.. I still cant get my head around that, it's crazy! Now, the question that you are probably thinking is "Joe, exactly how do you plan on maximising my time in the gym when the programs you deliver are already written by an award winning coach, and although the team of experts you have are small, as a team it is both informative and knowledgeable?" 

Blown our own trumpet there for a minute then :)

Well, you just wait there my friend... here's my wicked plan!

Over the last few months we've been working tirelessly with Polar who are undoubtedly the pioneers when it comes to heart rate training. You've probably seen the heart rate watches before or you may have tried monitoring your heart rate on a cardio machine back in the day before you met us. Basically, it is a geeky way of monitoring your workout intensity via your own heart rate and there are different zones that you can train in etc. 

Polar have devised a group training system by the name of Polar Gx. Here is an example here - 


Not bad right? 

Our programs are also based on this theory, and backed by the science of post exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), and to have the opportunity for a heart rate monitored training program designed to keep your heart in a specific target zone that would further stimulate your metabolism and increase your calorie burning is EXACTLY the sort of thing we were looking for to provide you with the faster, better and more accurate result!!

So, instead of us just motivating you to push yourself until challenged, the aim for you now is to hit your target heart rate by the time your workout is complete. 

We've adopted the Polar Gx system and made some minor adjustments to enable us to monitor you individually. 

It enables us to individually set your heart rate and training zones that concur with your personal program. You just have to log in once and it will then log you in automatically as soon as you step through the front door. Everytime.

It helps us track each client's heart rate - you get your very own heart rate sensor.

The Heart Rate Sensor

It enables us to see what intensity you are working towards throughout the whole training session which will only motivate you even more when you are here and it provides us coaches a ton of data to keep you accountable to.

Heart rates, intensities are shown in real time, on a screen in the gym.

Even though your namer is displayed alongside everyone else's it doesn't mean you will be competing against anyone else, you'll just be competing against yourself.  The others will be there to just help motivate you. Plus the other heart rates are not your own - remember it is set on your personal data no one else's.

We both can analyse the data.

Have we sold it to you yet :)

If you've read this far you must be intrigued by it. As you may have noticed I get especially excited over things like this... geek!!!

What I like most about this is the fact that after every training session you complete, a copy of your stats will be emailed to you. There are all sorts of apps also available that work alongside this which enable us to design home programs and monitor your intensity whilst you are away from the gym. 

The example below show's you  comparing against other members, but you can also compare your own training sessions. 

Your probably thinking... "Enough, enough Joe, how do I get my hands on this?"

Well, we plan to launch this on Friday 1st November alongside our disco workout but if you cannot wait till then and you want to get started right away we are doing a special promotion.

And that is - If you purchase one now, or before the launch event we will donate 10% of the sales to the British Heart Foundation.

Here is the link to pre order your H7 Heart Rate Sensor now - Please order my H7 Heart Rate Sensor

Again 10% of all sales will be donated to the British Heart Foundation

If you are still unsure, then we are going to be demonstrating the full benefits of the Polar Heart Rate System the week commencing the 21st October for a whole week. 

If you could just let us know in advance if you are thinking of demoing this then we can prepare this for you. We have a set of trial heart rate sensor's on order so no need to worry about purchasing one. 

A coach will demonstrate how the heart rate monitor system works in a live training session with yourself. 

Here is the link to pre order your H7 Heart Rate Sensor now - Please order my H7 Heart Rate Sensor

To recap, here are the main benefits:
  • More consistency in your workouts
  • Burn calories up to 38 hours post workout
  • Faster and better results
  • Scientifically designed and tracked
  •  Extra motivation to break through plateaus
  • Individualised
And that's all!

If you have any questions about any of the above, please leave a comment or drop me an email. 


P.S. If you are dead serious about attending the launch party do let me know so that I can gather how many can make it.

P.P.S.  Here is the link to pre order your H7 Heart Rate Sensor now - Please order my H7 Heart Rate Sensor

Thursday 10 October 2013

Milk and sugar?

The tea industry in the UK is worth £652,000,000 annually. That accounts for nearly 67 billion cups of tea! A drink made popular by the upper class, it is now one of the most down to earth and basic commodities you can buy.

What's the first thing that happens when you go over to somebody's house?

'Would you like a cuppa? Milk and sugar?'

The good news is that tea has a plethora of health benefits, but there is a problem. Most people have it with sugar and only very few have it straight up without milk.

First let's address the sugar. My opinion is going to be fairly predictable on this one, but there is good reason for it.

Tea contains caffeine, which makes people feel like they have lots of energy. Part of the reason for this is that the hormones which are stimulated by this drug release sugar and fat into our blood stream, ready for use. This is great news, but alongside this comes a concurrent rise in insulin. Whether this is a problem or not really is up for debate. Having said that, we can be sure that adding more sugar into your blood stream in its fastest digesting form can only make it worse.

So surprise, surprise it's a no to sugar if you want to lose body fat and stay as healthy as possible. The sugar may not make much of a difference but the 3 custard cremes definitely will.

The second point to address is the adding of milk to tea. We all know that milk is good for you as it contains vitamin D, calcium and natural sugars. But it is also bad for you because it is processed (homogenised and pasteurised), it contains simple sugars and most people are intolerant to dairy to a degree.

But I'm not bothered about that, there is something more interesting to talk about.

The adding of milk to tea neutralises it's antioxidant benefits. It does this in the upper GI tract by binding milk proteins (casein in particular) to the polyphenols in the tea. This means that they are unable to be absorbed and simply pass through.

To most, the antioxidant properties of tea are the only real benefit of the drink. If by adding milk every time, thinking it's just a bit of milk all they are left with is the effect of the caffeine.

This might be good, if they have it in the morning and don't over do it. However if you are someone who drinks a lot of tea and finds they have a hard time losing body fat off their stomach then tea may not be a good choice for you.

So, you're left with tea which is no longer the comforting pick me up which you love so much, but a bitter hot drink which offers nothing like the same feeling.

Instead go for licorice tea, chai tea, mint tea or any other herbal tea which can offer you a taste you like.

Alternatively if you have a sweet tooth but need a caffeine kick, go for a green tea blend which takes some of the edge of the bitterness. You will get all of the health benefits and all of the comfort in one go!

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Release the Dogma - September's Seminar!!!

Evidence based resistance training recommendations from RWLGym
Slide 2

Resistance training produces an array of health benefits, as well as the potential to promote muscular adaptations of strength, size, power and endurance. The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) regularly publish a position stand making recommendations for optimal achievement of the desired training goals. However, the most recent position stand (as well as previous ones) has come under heavy criticism for misrepresentation of research, lack of evidence and author bias. Therefore this paper proposes a set of scientifically rigorous resistance training guidelines, reviewing and summarising the relevant research for the purpose of proposing more logical, evidence-based training advice.

Slide 5
The word strength is an ambiguous term, it can mean a lot of things. For example:

Two people can pick up the same weight, one person takes 1 second and the other takes 2. Are they stronger?

Two people can clean the same weight, but one can deadlift more. Are they stronger?

Someone can keep pushing the same weight for longer than another person are they stronger?

Slide 6

Improves GI transit
Increased BMR
Improved glucose metabolism
Improved blood lipid profile
Reduced blood pressure
Improved BMD
Reduction in pain from arthritis
Decreased lower back pain
Enhanced flexibility
Improved maximal aerobic capacity

Slide 7
Research does not unequivocally support the superiority of a particular repetition range for enhancing any aspect of muscle function.
The rationale for low weights is that it recruits more motor units and teaches them to work together simultaneously. The muscle is more efficient but nor bigger. Also encourages myofibular hypertrophy.
Moderate weights allow sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. The TUT increases blood flow, causes lactate release and damages muscle fibres. High reps totals the aerobic system, but is not heavy enough to induce the changes above. However it is easier to achieve failure on moderate number of reps
Slide 8
Free weights, resistance machines, hydraulics and pneumatics
It doesn’t matter, just failure matters
Slide 9
There is no evidence for an increased benefit in strength or transferrable performance when performing unilateral exercises, or exercises on unstable equipment. There is no transferrable benefit to performing specific movements under resistance to improve performance, i.e. using a heavy bat.
Slide 11
When muscular tension is maintained, there is little difference between different tempos.  Explosive lifts do not recruit as many muscle fibres because they rely a lot on momentum.
Slow lifting technique should reduce the incidence of injury
Slide 12
Volume is the amount of reps performed during a workout, an example of a high volume session would be going for a run
Typically those looking for hypertrophy, bodybuilders, perform low intensity high volume workouts. Focussing on maintaining muscular tension and working the muscle as much as possible.
It seems from research that there is no benefit in strength or muscle growth from performing high volume workouts when intensity is controlled for effectively.
Slide 14
Intensity is commonly defined as a percentage of your 1RM.
Slide 15
Men and women have different fibre types. Generally speaking men have more powerful muscles by weight, and women have more fatigue resistant muscles.
A man and a woman performing an exercise at 80% 1RM will not be perform the same number of reps. The man will be able to do far fewer reps than the woman.
It should be defined as effort, and the only way you can have a cast iron guarantee of the level of effort is at 100%, when you can’t do another rep.
Slide 16
It was previously thought that the stimulation of strength and muscle growth was to use heavy weights as these were the only weights that would recruit the powerful muscle fibres.
However when the muscle is at failure, the entire motor pool is recruited maximally.
Slide 17
You have to be prepared to progress within your genetic limit. A good indication of this is your somatotype. If you have wide shoulders and a narrow waist then you are likely a mesomorph, you have high levels of the right hormones and life is easy.
If you have wide hips and shoulders then you are an endomorph. Your carb tolerance will be lower and assuming that your diet is on point you will gain muscle slowly.
If you are scrawny then you can gain muscle fast.