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Tuesday 11 February 2014

Katie Baines Pregnancy Blog #3 - 'Two weeks out!'

As I sit here writing my final pregnancy blog, I can't help but be surprised at where on earth the time has gone? There are now only two weeks until my due date when we are finally able to meet and say hello to our little man


It feels like only yesterday when I found out that I was pregnant and I started to wonder how the next few months would pan out in terms of changes to my body and my life! I was determined from day 1 to continue training at UFit Studio right up until my due date . 
I must admit, I did have doubts if that was a realistic ambition, because this is my first pregnancy and I had no idea how late pregnancy would affect my body.
Others around me were so sceptical and just smiled politely, worried of how naive I was.
I never thought I would be saying this BUT at 8 and a half months pregnant, I have kept my word and continue to attend U Fit Studio on a twice weekly basis! Much to the dismay of those who are just desperate for me to sit down and rest!
Even though I am not that big for someone who is a couple of weeks off from giving birth, I am so full of energy still with a spring in my step! I often forget I am pregnant until I try and reach to shut that car door!


People say that the reason why I am still so full of energy and am able to continue going to the gym well into my late pregnancy is because I have been one of the 'lucky' ones who have had a very easy pregnancy throughout, with no sickness, back aches or tiredness.
I agree to a certain extent as we cannot control all of the hormonal effects of pregnancy, but I do believe that great nutrition and a tailored pregnancy fitness programme have played a huge part in giving me the best possible experience!


I appreciate that a tailored fitness programme has helped me to continue coming to the gym so late into my pregnancy, as it is more manageable and I feel completely safe and confident in it.
The exercise routines are gentle enough so I do not risk pulling any muscles or harming the baby but challenging enough to feel the effects and strengthen my body in preparation for labour!


One effect of exercising that I have found to have had both pros and cons, is the fact that my abdominal muscles have remained tight. In fact they have remained so tight that on two occasions, the midwife has been unable to tell us which way round the baby is and made us worry for two weeks that baby has been breeched! So aside from the extra scans we have had to have, I am most definitely hoping that my tight stomach muscles will spring back quicker post-birth!


In the past I have continuously fluctuated between size 16 and 8. Over the years U Fit Studio has equipped me all the right tools to help me achieve something which once seemed an impossible dream; comfortably keeping within the same clothes size for more than 2 years! 
Although they have helped me to achieve my desired physique, U Fit Studio have given me something more precious than that. With their endless support of my own determination over the years, I have learnt so much about myself and my capabilities. I never knew I had such determination and perseverance in me until I started training at U Fit Studio.
Not only have they played a big part in helping to transform my body but they have 'toned' my mind as I am so focused, goal driven and ready to face any challenge in life.
Including getting me through labour!
This mind-set has not only helped me to enjoy my pregnancy and stay fit, it has also helped me in both my personal and professional life. I have learnt that any limitations whether it be physical or psychological come from within yourself. The power of the mind is immense; if you are in a positive mind-set surrounded by positive influences then you can achieve anything!


So, two weeks away from giving birth, aside from the fridge, freezer, kitchen cupboards being cleaned several times in case the in-laws come round. I feel ready and hugely excited to face my next challenge! I don't feel frightened or apprehensive of what is ahead of me as I know whatever pain I will experience is a positive pain and it brings me that one step closer to meeting our baby boy. Where is the sense of achievement in anything if it comes all too easily without the pain and endurance?!'
I can't wait!
Katie x

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