My general recommendation is for people avoid bread, pasta, cereals and other wheat products. For my clients, the message on gluten products is loud and clear,
"Avoid gluten products if you want to improve your body composition and performance".
It may sound extreme, but the reason for avoiding these foods is not primarily the gluten content, but the fact that these products contain lots of calories and not a lot of nutrition. Reducing the amount of gluten in their diet is just a happy coincidence.
Let's get a grip on the difference between a gluten allergy (Coeliac disease) and gluten intolerance.
Coeliac Disease
- An autoimmune disorder of the lower intestine where the consumption of gluten causes substantial destruction of tissue. Depending on where you get your information around 1% of the population suffer from it.
Gluten Sensitivity
- It is a relatively misunderstood and altogether more common condition.
- It is a reaction to gluten which causes a level of stress to the gut, resulting in inflammation with symptoms such as diarrhoea and bloating.
- It is temporary, and results from a poorly functioning gut, which can be caused by a combination of:
- Antibiotic, anti-inflammatories and other medications
- Too much processed food
- High sugar diet
- Stress
- Inadequate sleep
- Not enough dietary fiber
- Low protein intake
- Over consumption of gluten
I hope I have made it clear that the reason there is so much debate surrounding gluten products is because everyone is different, and people can change. Ensure you understand how your body handles gluten and then act accordingly.
If you feel that the consumption of gluten affects your mood, or your digestion then I would suggest cutting it out. Improve your health cleaning up your diet and by taking pro-biotics, glutamine and fiber.
If the consumption of gluten products doesn't appear to cause you any problems then don't let it concern you. Focus on getting the right nutrition for your goals. Take preventative measures by limiting your exposure to gluten and by maintaining a clean diet.
My gut feeling is this:
There are far more reasons than gluten intolerance to avoid bread, pasta, processed foods.

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