Do you have a hectic lifestyle? Do you seem to have an endless list of things to do? Do you sleep as much as you’d like? Do you drink lots of tea and coffee? Do you have unwanted abdominal fat and/or fat under the skin of your calves. If you can relate to these statements then the chances are you live a stressful life.
Stress in your life is sending cortisol and adrenaline around your body which is having adverse affects on every part of your body, from your bones to your energy levels. Luckily, if your really are stuck between a rock and a hard place there is hope, and it comes in the form of magnesium.
Magnesium is an essential mineral, one that you cannot do without in your diet. It is involved in over 300 biochemical processes in the body and counting. The vast majority of people in the world are magnesium deficient as the soil in which our crops grow and on which our livestock graze are chronically barren of the nutrient.
The effects of the mineral on people’s lives are incompletely researched, but some of those which have already been found are sensational and immediate. Remember health is a state of psychological, physical and social wellbeing, not merely the absence of disease and infirmity. Are you as healthy as you could be?
1. Sleep
Magnesium’s most reported use is in the calming effect is has on people. Those who are deficient in the mineral find themselves with revved up nervous systems. After taking a dose before bed most people find that they sleep quickly, soundly and deeply. Meaning they don’t have to sleep for as long and wake up feeling more refreshed. In a stressed person’s life, this is probably the most appealing thing anyone could offer.
2. Testosterone
Magnesium raises testosterone, particularly when combined with exercise, this is favourable for muscle growth and therefore fat loss and also fat distribution. If you want to make the time you’ve invested in the gym as effective as possible, there really is not reason not to take this supplement.
3. Brain Function
It has already been mentioned that magnesium allows effective functioning of the nervous system. One of the benefits is that it promotes the release of seratonin in the brain and improves memory. Sounds like a smart choice.
4. Chronic Inflammation
Chronic inflammation causes all sorts of problems in the body, and while the world is glugging down pints of sugary fiberless fruit juice to get their dose of anti-oxidants, you can sit there smugly knowing that your magnesium supplement is reducing the inflammation in your body, reducing your risk of Alzheimer's, cardiovascular disease, digestive discomfort, arthritis and diabetes.
5. Bone Health
We all know from the adverts that calcium and vitamin D give you stronger bones. But, what they don’t let you in on is that magnesium is an important part of this cycle too. Without it your bones will never be a strong as they could be. Research says that there should be an even amount of calcium in the diet as magnesium, above this it is ineffective. So that glass of milk won’t make an difference without your magnesium to go with it.
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