Avoid fat and your calories will drop, you will only be left with lean meat, vegetables and healthy whole grains. Sounds great, and it's exactly what is recommended by doctors and the government...
Here's the issue, the truth is that fats are actually GREAT for you, and if you aren't going out of your way to shove these great foods into your diet you'll never be as healthy, lean and strong as you could be.
The first fact that must be accepted is that not all fats are created equal. Processed fats like hydrogenated and trans fats are to be avoided at all costs. They are not used well by the body and will almost certainly end up being converted into fat tissue in the body. These fats are found in margarine, deep fried fast foods, pizzas and pastries.
Firstly we have the fabled essential fatty acids (EFA's), research has shown that these fats are not used primarily by the body to create fat tissue. They are used by the body to create hormones and to develop cell structure. If you are looking to create a naturally lean body through better health as opposed to a smaller body through calorie deprivation then this is essential.
But it isn't just EFA's that have this effect, monounsaturated fats found in avocadoes, nuts and olives are used in this way too. The body would rather use them as fuel than for energy storage.
The reason the world has a bad opinion of fats is misguided. It is the combination of fat and sugar which causes health problems. So when you increase your fat intake, ensure that you remove processed foods and simple sugars.
Saturated fats from good sources are not bad for you either! The saturated fat found in butter and in coconut oil is a great energy source and is used by the body for fuel rather than storage. Look for any food with medium chain triglycerides in them (MCT's).
Fats are also great transporters of micronutrients , for example vitamin D and vitamin K can only be absorbed in the presence of dietary fats.
To be as healthy as you can be, you must include fats in every meal you have. There should be no exceptions. Don't worry about the calories, as they will allow you to eat intuitively, which is the only way to eat for long term success.