When people come to us they always begin with a very similar story. They often tell us how they would like to have the 'body of their dreams', they want to look good and be the envy of all of their friends.
But when you question someone who claims they want to look better, when you really dig deep, the answer is usually the same.
In short, they don't want a perfect body or to appear flawless. They want to develop the self confidence that they have never had.
It is important to mention that some people do actually want to achieve this look. but they usually come across very differently, they have an obviously different set of motivating factors and their results tend to differ too.
For most the pursuit of a better body is the vehicle for addressing underlying issues of self esteem and confidence. The first order of the day is learning to love yourself, because if you don't then it's a hell of a lot harder for others to. This is not the same kind of love that comes from narcissism or arrogance, it is the kind of unconditional love which we tend to reserve for others.
The process of being in control of something as personally and emotionally loaded as how you look and then seeing it change for the better due to your behaviour is an immensely rewarding process. A feeling of control and security leads to improved confidence; you begin to love yourself.
Secondly when people begin to comment on the your new appearance you feel good. As much as you try to ignore it, when someone comments about how good you're looking, you feel great, it fuels the fire.
Now hooked on the positive emotions as the reward centres in your brain are in overdrive you commit to the lifestyle.
You cannot put a price in this kind of improvement in your quality of life. Ultimately the period before this is a negative cycle of bad feelings, you are alive but you're drifting. You don't feel good so you want to change, but at the same time you don't have the confidence to believe you can do it.
We see people coming from all sorts of backgrounds who tell us the same story. Absolutely anyone can do it, all you need is the expertise and support system to get you there.